abortion rant 2.0

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ok hey hey hello friends this is bettina aka khaleesi but that's not the point

anyways i just thought i'd share my thoughts on the rant abt abortion/adoption or on the topic bc i honestly have a lot to say about it and if you don't like my opinion that's okay idrc just hEAR ME OUT FIRST

personally, i am not pro-abortion nor am i pro-life but i'm pro-choice which basically means i don't really mind if a woman chooses to abort her child or not

"but abortion is killing babies and you're destroying God's creation and this should be banned!!!!!!!"

okay kids let's get things straight usually when a woman chooses to abort her child it's not a zygote yet which means it's still a fetus and iT'S NOT CONSIDERED A LIVING THING YET DO U UNDERSTAND

a baby does not happen in a span of days okay it takes time for the combined sperm and egg cell to actually create a living thing inside of you and abortions are usually done before that happens so no technically it's not killing anything but a growing cell so

tbh i'm not very religious but i do go to church and whatnot so yeah i'm not really convinced by that argument but if u are i respect you for it

but just bc someone supports abortion it doesn't mean they should go to hell i mean guys abortions don't have to be done by other people it also happens naturally (miscarriage) so if you think about it condemning abortion is basically condemning women who have had miscarriages when in reality it wasn't even an option to them it just happened

and also u don't really know the person's story so tell me honestly who are you to judge if they want to abort the fetus inside them or not? seriously, put yourself in their shoes first before you condemn them this isn't 1421 you should know better

there are literally so many wrong arguments when it comes to the topic of abortion and picking sides between being for it or against it bc it is really a touchy and real issue in the world and i understand that so i try not to talk about it but yeah i might as well throw in my two cents but i'll stop right here bc i can go for hours about it so yeah

bottom line is i myself am pro-choice (which means i support the woman's decision) and if you don't like that, then okay. don't condemn other people just because their morals don't exactly align with yours, got it?

ok peace out girl scout

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