boys x2

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hi it's amanda and i'm so sAD

sorry i don't usually put up like personal stuff here but i really need to let this out and im so emo

ok so this boy and i have been best friends for a hella long time and recently he told me he liked me and i started liking him to. he was always there for me when i was upset and always made me so happy and i realized that i loved him.

and we were flirting really hardcore but we couldn't date ((for too many complicated reasons)) but that's when he told me he loved me and i told him too ((i didn't lie just to say it back like i literally meant it))

and hes suddenly like "i think we were better as friends" and all that and basically just kicked me to the curb like "i still love you just not in the way you want me to" and i just felt so sick to my stomach

i wish he realized this before he fucked me up so bad and before i fell in love and before any of this even happened because now im just a big mess who has to try to fall out of love with a boy who i would do anything for and who just sees me as another one of his friends

i just im crying adios

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