negative opinions

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words make or break a person and it really just bothers me that this "right" people have to speak out about topics and others is being taken advantage of
of course i understand that rude comments are unavoidable whether on the internet or real life but all i really want is for people to have the sense of right or wrong
like saying "sorry but" at the beginning of a so-called "constructive criticism" does NOT make things better nor does adding in "just my opinion"
the fact that you actually have to say that means it's going to be and is offensive to the person and/or group of people you're going to tell it to
i know that like "everyone has the right to express their opinion" and such but for me there's an extent to it and usually people go past that certain boundary
so i'll just end this with the thumperian principle [from bambi]:
"If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing [anything] at all."

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