amnesia mv

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belle again hola

honestly, i'm so disappointed with the video ugh

now before u bash on me for not liking it, let me say why

i appreciate the boys' effort but like this is just not like them

the song is like v v sad and all i get is the boys hanging out with gorgeous girls that make me feel insecure????

i just dont like it at all

the video would have been better if it was for never be or some other upbeat song in their album

the only emotional part in the video was the first part where it's supposed to be the boys' first band practice omg

but like other than that? nope nah

and dont get me started with the lip syncing u g h

the boys are just not like that ok they can do so much better than that

u know this is why i dont like them being too famous yes bc like management will start controlling them to do stuff they wont even do

i just hope the directors of their videos would understand that they're not like one direction who's a boy band

5sos is a band, maybe not punk rock, but they're still a band ok dont even argue

i would've loved it if they made the video with a story bc that would be so goddamn good

i want something that makes sense ok like how the 1975 did their robbers mv (still my fav video))

no i don't want lip syncs and girls bc thats literally the typical video out there


lol i should be revising for my chemistry exam but ehh yolo

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