friends who are closer to other friends

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damn thats a long title ugh but yeah do you ever have those friends who are closer to other friends?????

bc jesus man it sucks when u do

i have this friend, actually most of my friends lol, are closer to other people

one sec we're fangirling about bands then next thing u know they leave u and talk to their friends

i'm not being possessive but it just sucks???

like i think i only have a best friend for only a few months then bAM they leave ugh

what's worst is when my friends and i hang out

i feel like a fucking lonely noob okay

like nigga when we go out, they immediately form groups and then they get lost in their own world

and i'll be all alone by myself and listening to some music

then they're gonna ask why am i not socializing

aRE YOU SERIOUS NOW?!?!?!?!?!?

lol man u went on your own groups and shit and u left me behind, not uttering a single word to me

then u ask why am i not talking to u????

dude if you think that i have to remove my headphones and get my ass over to ur group to talk to you, you better rethink that bc i'm not doing it nope nah

i'd rather get chest pains listening to music rather than talking to u lil shits

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