stalker tag + cami

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yo i'm still in a car and it's cami help

what are you wearing?

my old school shirt and neon green shorts from justice i bought three years ago

have you ever been in love?

define being in love please

what's your height?

i am 5 feet and 2 inches maybe

what's your weight?

nearly 100 pounds

have you ever been heartbroken?

yeah but it was dumb

any tattoos?

no but i would like to get one

fav tv shows?

sherlock (with cumberbatch & freeman!), supernatural (squad af), doctor who (doctor 9 & 10 are fav but 11th is gonna be good af), & ofc freaks and geeks (franco boi)

something/someone you miss?

my best friend bc i haven't seen her in four days i hope she misses me too

fav song?

currently 100 sleepless nights (ptv i do believe) or raised by the wolves (fir!!!!)

zodiac sign?

cancer (most emotional one-tru af)

fav color(s):

purple but black is v nice too (and this isn't my way of showing how emo i am i just really like the colour black like my dad)

even been in a physical fight?

with my brother (playfully) if that counts ???

play an instrument?

electric guitar (horribly)

last time you cried?

today,,, told you im cancer

something you love but are bad at doing?

making people love me back

okay this is it for the tag !! school tomorrow and i haven't done any homework oh no. left sa, tx a couple hours ago and had a blast! love you all, follow me on twitter @ MUKETAPES so we can talk and stuff!! bye

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