media and bali nine

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grace here helloo i'm ranting about two things in one chapter bc two things were pissing me off today

i'm not going to be talking about the baltimore riots but how the media is reacting so i was reading a CNN report on it and not once did it mention the details of why the riots are even happening

it included a quote from the city's mayor, which described the protesters as thugs, but didn't actually speak of freddie gray and the moments leading up to his death?

like what the fuck?? what's the point of being a journalist if you don't show both sides of the story that's what fucking good journalism is, showing both sides of the story like what the actual hell

and 90% of the photos they showed were off the protesters robbing stores what about the police????? what were the police doing this i don't know

the media is rEALLY good at twisting things around and I always seem to find myself trying to pick out the solid facts honestly I find it hard to trust anything nowadays

today me and my friend were talking about the riots and she said she thought the protesters shouldn't be causing mass damage and i didn't agree but i was just like ://

okay also so those two australian men in indonesia were executed today meaning everyone was talking about it at school but honestly i am so pissed at australia for what we did

the two men smuggled heroin into indonesia, where the penalty for doing that was the death sentance, and they full well knew the consequences but australia reacted so badly

we put the president of indonesia in a really tricky place as well and my dad was telling me how the president is new and not well liked ((apparently)) so the president obviously couldn't say yes bc he'd look weak

and the way tony abbott was bringing up how we helped indonesia gain independance was not on??? if indonesia came into australia and tried getting us to change our system we'd be like nah piss off okay we don't even have independance we still have to ask the queen of england before doing stuff or something like that

australia was just being fucking rude and while i don't agree with capital punishment ((although it is an effective way of enforcing rules)) we shouldn't have done what we did

my history teacher thinks australia's gonna pull our embassy out of indonesia tho??? that's so heavy tbh okay grace over and out

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