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do you ever feel alone like even tho you're talking to friends and stuff you just feel alone?

idk i feel so left out on a lot of things like my friends have their own cliques and stuff and i just drift in the middle float from one group to another and no one really wants to talk to me and stuff.

like in my group of friends i have some close friends ye, but i'm always the last choice when it comes to things idk how to explain it.

and when i say something, no one really cares, but when someone else says something p similar, everyone's all like "wow oh my goodness gracious what wow!" it makes me feel like an outcast and left out.

for example, we did a group project in science and i mentioned something in class that could help us get a good grade and it got all quiet and everyone brushed it off and ignored me, but later in a facebook group chat, my friend mentioned the exact same thing and everyone was like "wow thats fucking genius!"

idk i guess i'm just rlly tired of this. (this is one reason why internet friends are p cool)

this was probably a really pointless rant sorry but i just feel really weird and sad and sorry.

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