stalker tag! [ayu]

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lmao i'm ayu aka ofmichaelandmen and i'm probably the most boring person eVER but here you go.

what are you wearing?

like grace, school uniform, because i just came back from school.

have you ever been in love?

not sure? probably. i have a boyfriend but i'm not sure if it's love. i just don't want to lose him and he makes me happy.

what's your height?

i am 5 feet and 3 inches. i know i'm short af.

what's your weight?

well.... it's about 43 kilos/94 pounds. i've been losing a lot of weight these past few months due to stress.

have you ever been heartbroken?

no(t yet).

any tattoos?

no but i want one.

fav tv shows?

sherlock's the only thing that matters.

something/someone you miss?

my hair dang. it was so long but i decided to cut it until shoulder-length and i kindda regret it :/

fav song?

ed sheeran's multiply album has been on repeat for months so anything on there.

zodiac sign?

aquarius (best liar.)

fav color(s):

white because of the simplicity and it doesn't attract attention.

even been in a physical fight?

yes, A LOT OF TIME. i got called by the principal once but hey... why not.

play an instrument?

piano & guitar.

last time you cried?

can't remember. a week ago?? because the muffin i was eating was really good and i just cried.

something you love but are bad at doing?

taking pictures

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