same love

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oh wow okay i 100% support gay rights. i really really do. and i know a lot of you do too which is great because it means that the world is becoming a better place with rainbows and unicorns.

but there are of course a few that don't support gay rights and it's fine if you don't because it's definitely your opinion. we all have different opinions. but people on the internet are more open-minded and more known to things that they don't teach in real life.

as for example they know that people who like the same sex doesn't wake up one day realizing that hey! i'm gay. no, it needs some thoughts and maybe staying up all night trying to figure out if it's the right decision.

i could easily post this on my personal where the other girls wouldn't be attacked as well but my real life friends follow me there and i'm not ready to tell them. you guys are more understanding and nicer that my friends that are half homophobes.

like i came out to one of my real life friends and she's very supportive, she still hugs me, she still holds my hand and pretend like i don't like the same sex. i came out to raniya, grace, molly, marykate and laila and they're also supportive.

and i hope you guys are supportive of me too.

and i think that love is freaking love no matter what gender, race, or stuffs. and if you're like me then i support you fully, you're not sinful and you won't burn in hell. i'm proud of you okay. you were born this way, you can't change yourself.

(that's why i ranted about the boy in my class, that's why i don't like him even though he's perfect) (i still like boys but not as much)

- ayu xoxox

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