my past self

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first im gonna start off with this!!

@ girls who are against feminists: why you do that??? do you not want a choice??? do you not want rights???? i don't get you???????? who hurt you????

ok onto my rant!!! i apologize for my past self. when i went thru my "tomboy" phase when i was like in fourth grade i was so BAD. like i use to try and say "i was different than the other girls" & shit like B... WHAT WERE U THINKING...

why did i try to act as if girls who wear makeup and wear pink and love being a girl were bad like no if anything not realizing how fucking GREAT being a girl is was horrible. i use to try to say i was tomboy but like

was is it called tomboy

i just wore cameo & angry birds sweatshirts and didn't brush my hair and wore boy pants so i was still a girl lmao

who even was i ??????

also i apologize for me yesterday and me a month ago and me this FUCKING year like im still growing and learning im only a teen for gods sake (yet i know more than most adults do on politics lol) !!!!

i am so upset for me telling my boy best friend to grow some balls like no BE YOU BC I LOVE U FOR U BABY BOY!!!! DONT U FUCKIN CHANGE BC OF UNEDUCATED ME BRO!!!! U BE U!!!

& i hate my old self for keep telling him he is gay. like omg if he isn't gay he isn't gay. and if he is then AMAZING. now my gay best friend like whatever. he will still be my best friend.

he doesn't need to GROW BALLS

he doesn't need to MAN UP

he can cry every night and still be a boy not a fucking WIMP OR SISSY

every time u put a boy down for during things normally seen as female charactists U PUT DOWN FEMALES TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

boys are rad when they don't slut shame and are chill

and girls are rad when they don't rape and shame other girls

ALSO i am so sorry for calling that girl a bitch even if she did backstab me. no i am not going to go back to being her best friend but if she needs a pad ill give it to her.


and also!! support ur fellow POC students!!!! speak WITH them not OVER them!!!!! they are so beautiful i love WoC & PoC like yes bitch you are so rad i love you to bits your body is perfect!!!!! MoC you are not a thug ok if u chill then u chill !!!!


and men who are meninists.

i deeply want to kick some sense into you because while "meninists" put down women, feminists (AND NOT FUCKING WHITE WASH FEMINISTS THAT THE WORSE LIKE SOME OF YALL WHITE PEOPLE NEED TO CHILL OUT PLS) are actually trying to do stuff.

and pls don't use East Asia and Middle East and Africa as a sappy story as why you support feminists like if u wanna talk about racial issues lets talk about how AFRICANS AND LATINOS DOLLARS IS LIKE HALF OF A WHITE CIS MALES OK!!!!! let's help fellow women!!! LETS BE EQUAL TO MEN!!! ok. love u all

bye !!! (-:

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