#StopBullying ad

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okay so like I've been seeing this whole #stopbullying paragraph thing in people's bios and online and shit, you know that one? The one with "that girl you called fat? She's starving herself. That boy you pushed down? He's getting abused at home. 99% of you wont share but that 1% will."


Don't take this the wrong way but like it kind of makes me think funny and feel weird when I see that advertisement or when people say it a lot; like honestly I feel like it's going along the lines of, "Since you don't know the full story, you don't bully them."

Like bruh no that's not how it works like you don't have to know the full story or even half the story or even the person's name like bullying is a bad bad thing and you shouldn't do it, period. Knowing the "whole story" or not, you don't. Bully. Them. Ever.

Like honestly the "that girl you called a slut? She's a virgin."


Man she could've had sex with hundreds of people and it doesn't give you the right to call her that. SEX IS A HUMAN THING ITS NATURE IT ISNT BAD ITS DAMN AWESOME.

But virgin or not, you shouldn't call people "sluts" regardless. Useless, unnecessary, no argument.

"That guy you made fun of for crying? His mother is dying."


Doing that alone is stupid and disgusting itself. Whether or not there is something going on in his life or not, doing such an action is probably the dumbest, most stupidest thing I've ever heard of in my life.

"That guy you pushed down the hall? That black girl you made fun of? That old man whose scars you laughed at? That gay boy you teased?" There isn't even a need for the "backstory". You are an asshole. You are stupid. You are a dumb fuck.

((Yes kods had to remove the McFreak™ thing for a bit because it's hard to write on mobile when it keeps coming up rip me))

So don't use this "knowing the whole story" bullshit as an excuse to bullying because that is wrong. BULLYING IS WRONG. IT IS SICK AND STUPID AND I COULD GIVE OTHER WORDS JUST LIKE THAT, BUT IT IS WRONG.

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