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oiiii it's cam ur fav slice of ham (that's a new one)

ANYWAYS,,,,,, let's talk about tumblr shall we.

ok I'm going to start off saying it's not all bad, tumblr can share really good issues going on that i would have never known about and shaped me (along with Twitter) into the person i am today (which is still a loser but more socially active and aware than most adults WHILE being a wee baby)

blogs like AMANDLA's blog for a start (or mine???? (; I'm kidding but yo i am jealous of my own account it's 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 www.lucidlyangelic.tumblr.com 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 and I'm not saying this like lol i get to shout it out like no i can reblog super important issues going on that you should be aware about and fashion and nice text posts like why am i not queen of tumblr AND MY THEME IS AMAZING) but anywAYS.,,., AMANDLA is such a queen like i would bow down if i ever met her, her blog is so beautiful. like 3.5/4 of her reblogs are of milky dark skin or amazing posts from BLACKFASHION and like culture stuff and it is honestly the best. her explaining why she like only reblogs PoC was so TRUE like relatable yo.

but also i just rlly love her and hate kylie Jenner HAHAHAHAshe appropriates culture like honey you are old enough to know about things going on with WOC like use ur injected lips and tell the world to be aware or something i swear to god

SHE TOLD AMANDLA TO GO HANG OUT W JADEN like wow what a comeback you got me there !!1!1!1!1!


tumblr is great. you can follow me and/or ask my questions of good blogs that posts about non white problems and I'll be happy to send u the link

and cute lesbian accounts
or pretty gay accounts
or straight accounts
or nice fairy pixie princess angel baby accounts


just pls educate urselves and if u can vote PLS VOTE FOR BERNIE SANDERS like this is so important i have pictures proving why he is the best candidate. and all Hilary's statements that she is with lgbtq+ stuff are lies in 2000 she stated marriage was only between a man and a woman so lol BYE B disliked u anyways !!

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