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hey its abbi and I have two topics to talk about today so here we go

1) WHY DO PEOPLE CARE SO MUCH ABOUT RIDICULOUS THINGS. like seriously you shouldn't care about what that horrible 15 year old girl said to you about your hair. or how your friend glared at you for smiling at their g/bf. about that shitty score you got on a test. how your mum didn't let you go out to a party.

like there are literally SO MANY OTHER THINGS in the world to be worried about and I understand that the world might feel like its crashing down around you but just take a step back and take a breath and just think. think, will I remember this in one year? five years? ten years? is this going to affect me critically? is that person even worth it?

because honestly, if somebody insults you or says something horrible to you then they're not your friend. trust me when I say I know this from experience; I recently fell out with a girl who's been my best friend on and off since year 8 (we're at the end of year 10 now) and she said to me the other day that everybody actually hates me (which is total bs but thats another story), but I didn't care. I still don't, and the reason why is because a) I know she's wrong and b) even if they did, its high school. its fucking awful on the most part and it seems to drag on forever, but its 5 years of your life. most of the people you know and love now, no matter how close you might be with them, you won't even talk to them when you're 25, 30, 40, etc.

school is seriously such a small part of life and I just don't understand why people care so much about things that really do. not. matter. its pointless.

the real things that you should be worrying about are your health and well being (not caring about stupid stuff will make you feel better about yourself!), your family, animals and the planet.

I mean, to put it into perspective do you really think millions of cows are whining about how they wish they had a different pattern, when they're about to have their necks literally slit open and are left to bleed out before they're turned into dinner? (yes. this happens.)

exactly, they're not. and I know that's an extreme comparison, I suppose, but everybody knows its true.

2) my second rant is about who you surround yourself with. for the past two/three years of my life I surrounded myself with people who were struggling with self harm, depression, EDs, anxiety, etc and were just really negative all the time about themselves and people and stuff which was happening. and it took an affect on me so badly that I started to become like that as well. but, recently I've completely changed my friendship group to people who aren't like that and I'm already so much happier.

Its a great feeling to not care about stupid things anymore and to have people around you who aren't negative all the time and bring you down just because they're feeling down; people like that are poison. I know that mental disorders aren't anybody's fault, I'm not saying that, I just think if everybody tried not to be so negative and judgmental and all that nasty shit, the world would be a lot happier.

a prime example of this is Taylor Swift. I don't really give two shits whether you love her or hate her, the truth is that she was attacked and ridiculed for no real reasons other than sexism and jealously (seriously don't bother commenting why you hate her because I'll just delete the comments. and if you mention harry please just get over yourself because you have no idea what actually went on between them) for SIX YEARS. The 'Red' tour was filled with her sitting at a piano all alone singing sad songs, but now that she's moved to NYC and has stopped giving a shit about silly stuff and is surrounding her with amazing people, she's unbelievably happy. my goal is to be like that, to be honest.

okay holy crap this is seriously long but I've wanted to get this off my chest for a while, so hey here it is !

In a nutshell, I just want people to be more positive and less toxic and worried about stuff that doesn't matter.

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