boy problems

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this isn't going to be a rant ok it's gonna be about a boy problem i have

so about my problem lol

theres this guy in my class, he sits behind me haha. and i kinda like him???? my friends are suspecting that i like him but i don't say a thing to them (except for my best friend bc why the hell not))

and then they said that this guy is MU with someone.

if you don't know what that is imma explain. MU is mutual understanding which means like if a boy tells the girl he likes her and then the girl also admits that he likes the boy, they're MU already, but they're not in a relationship yet. (filipinos will understand this easily))

back to the point, i was really curious on who was the girl he likes. when i asked my friends, they said they thought it was me and i was like "what omg no" and then they said it's kinda obvious

but thennnnnnn, i just broke up with someone last november and i kinda feel guilty for him???? bc one time i talked to my ex, he said he still hasn't moved on. so, like idk wanna hurt him???? even though he's my ex and all, i still care for people ok.

and this guy i like keeps on annoying me idk but it's funny i kinda like it. and my friends suspect that he likes me too since like we're always together????? idk omg guys help your fav cult member, belle, out (even though i'm not your fav lol))


i dont wanna tell him yet that i like him???? bc like what if he likes someone else i'll be like disappointed ya know

i need help rlly

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