n word pt 2

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it me belle !! so like i have this theatre workshop that ive been going for like 4 years now ever summer and theres this girl who irritates tf out of me like uGh

yesterday we were practicing some dance choreo and the teacher was like "why dont we name the steps so itll be easier to memorize" which was really helpful bec damn the dance was so hard

so there was this move thats like swaggy?? idk how to describe it but it gives off sweg so yeah and the teacher asked what should we name the move and this girl was like "lets name it nigga!1!!1!1!1"

im like girl oh no u didnt but i stayed quiet bec im really anti social then like when we were practicing the whole choreo everyone would laugh when it comes to the "nigga" move and im so hesitant af bec like wtf r u guys laughin bout

then on break this girl came up to our group of friends (yes i have friends surprisingly lol)) and she said "this nigga is so funny omg" and i decided to answer bec dAmn i was so irritated i was like "ur not a nigga tho??" and she said "ofc i am!!! but not a black one okay im a white nigga!1!!1!1!" and in that moment, i swear, i (was infinite lolololol)) felt like killing her

its really not funny to use the n word to label stupid things ok i know i used to do it back then but like i said i was really close minded back then but hEy at least i realized my mistake right

kk so dont use the n word as a joke bec its highly offensive to others and dont even think for a second just bec u used that word ur already "$wEg MonEy and cOol" bec ur nOt okay you only look stupid!!!!!!!!

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