stalker tag!! (belle)

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it me belle nd idk why everyone is like dead today uM
i was tagged by @icedteas back on my acc!!!!

what are you wearing?
- pajamas bec why the hell noT

have you been in love?
- yes with chicken (nd ashton irwin as well)

whats your height?
- i actually have no idea really but i think im around 5'5 or 5'6

whats your weight?
- 95 pounds omg

have you ever been heartbroken?
- yes when my mom didnt buy me chicken (nd when ashton irwin fanzoned me)

have any tattoos?
- nope but i still have my henna from two weeks ago lol

fav tv show(s)
- i really dont watch tv shows bec i suck at staying tuned and keeping updated w it but i really love criminal minds, csi and ahs!!

something/someone you miss?
- i miss my boyfriend ashton irwin yeah hes in the uk rn havent seen him in months

fav song?
- how dare u ask me this question omg it depends really but rn im really digging roxanne and run away by chase atlantic

zodiac sign?
- sagittarius (heck yeah im an archer like katniss who wins at life now)

fav color(s)
- technically i dont have one fav color i like color combinations omg my favs are black and white n then white and gold

ever been in a physical fight?
- if u count my typical fits w my little sister then yes

play any instruments?
- i can play the starting notes of pumped up kicks on the guitar thats it so far

last time you cried?
- when my feet were swollen and couldnt walk and i felt like a failure

something you love doing but bad at?
- painting nd writing oh god


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