music tastes/opinions

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hi this is molly and everytime i want to write a rant im like o shit did someone already rant about this

if so, im v srry but this got on my nerves so hello i am here to rant

so today i was on twitter and these two girls got into this stupid fight thing and i guess the girl #1 noticed that the other girl [girl #2] had luke (hemmings) (i dont know theres like a billiOn famous lukes) as her profile picture, so girl #1 tweeted girl #2 something along the lines of:::

"well your opinion is completely irrevelant because you like 5sos and that means you have a shitty music taste"


so basically what i'm trying to say is

dont judge someone just because of their music taste

for all you know, that band or musician could be the only thing keeping them happy, or alive.
and then youre going and putting them down for it??

like dang just let that person listen to the music they like, and you go listen to what you like
and no harm done

and like maybe you dont nessecarily like that certain artist but it doesnt mean you have to judge that person for it??
or call them irrelevant???

idk it really annoys me

like, you may not agree w that persons music taste but just accept it bc its not that hard!! nd then we can all hold hands nd sing kumbaya 2gether nd everythin is all good!!!

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