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so idk why but people make it such a big deal if a person isnt straight

like theyre bisexual whats so wrong about that???????

or that girl is into girls thats fine?????

same way with boys who like boys

all of that is perfectly fine and i dont see why people want to make such a huge fuss over it

i see some people going all like "ew lesbo" or something like "wtf she has a gf?! thats disgusting" [god i hate it when they do this bc like what in the world youre saying a person is revolting bc they arent heterosexual????????? thats just plain wrong and i hope you have a massive divine intervention [[courtesy of a rainbow]] to realize that its basically not something you should hate on or feel repulsed about]

i have [girl] friends who are bisexual and one even has a girlfriend and theyve been dating for 2 years and theyre still going strong

and some [or even most] same-sex couples even have a happier relationship than most opposite-sex ones

so calm down my friends its perfectly normal to have people who like the same gender

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