my sexuality is????

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ok so i'm going to be confessing a lot of shit in here so u guys pls understand wow i'm nervous

so like i'm not sure what i like and when i saw cam write that thing in the rant book about being bi, i got to thinking and like here's the situation:

so like every time i get drunk w my friends that are girls, i just get the sudden urge to kiss them and touch them and idk when i'm drunk it's all about like sexual stuff......i have done "stuff" w three of my friends when we were drunk but ofc it was just experimental and i just did it for fun but like idk

i like boys a lot and i date boys but now i'm starting to like have crushes on girls kind of??? idk i have crushes but i can't imagine myself being w a girl unless it was just sex yenno????

idk maybe i'm just experimenting but sex w girls is gr8 and they're so soft but idk??? sex with guys is amazing too??? FUCK

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