dear boys

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you know when you see a cute boy and its like MMmmmmMMMMMmm sex

and then they turn out to be a complete asshole or whatever

well heres some tips for you boys from girls

this is seriously all we're asking for

1) please smell good aka wear cologne and deoderant bc i aint bangin your ass if you smell like tarzan smoking marijuana

2) give us your sweatshirt ((but only if you smell good and it smells like cologne as well bc hOLLA))

3) give us food like seriously we only want pizza food is fantastic

4) dont be an asshole :--))

5) yes my dream boy wears elite socks and basketball shorts and a nike tshirt that says "swag don't come cheap" with $23749 jordans mm baby *much sarcasm*

6) it is true that girls love butt touching and seductive waist grabbing therefore when you want to kiss a girl you put your hand on her waist and look in her eyes and fckin kiss the shit out of her

7) i mean that's what i want idk about you guys

8) please please pLEASE hug us i mean hugs are pretty awesome and i just want a guy to like hug all day and if you smell good the hug will be 89146 times better just please

9) if we are having an argument let us win thx

10) tell us we're beautiful, not "hot" or "sexy" because beautiful is so much more meaningful ja feel

11) come to our house while we're on our periods with a box of pads and a tub of ice cream and a stack of chick flicks and yOU ARE SOLD

this is all i want tbfh and if every boy was like this GOODBYE I NEED A BOYFRIEND HA

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