OC 66 (Akima Kakuyame)

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This OC is by TheJourneyer11 I hope you like it.

Name: Akima Kakuyame (No direct Japanese Translation)

That's fine, it's still a nice name.

Moniker: Akima of the Cutting Water


Clan: - Kakuyame Clan - Akima one a handful or the remaining members. The clan was wiped out by Orochimaru for an uprising in Otogakure, and then those remaining dwindled out
- Clan hair color varies but is usually browns and blacks. Eyes are shades of blues (but without patterns unless activated... you'll see).
- Before their fall they were highly regarded and respected in Kiri, and many were anbu

Thanks for the information on the clan and what they have as appearance as well as their downfall.

Apearance: - Pre-Shippuden: Cafe colored hair that's usually held up in a tight braid, with a few loose strands framing her angular face. Peachy-pale skin. Dark blue eyes that are usually squinted as though concentrating or irritated. Her outfit consists of short black shinobi sandals, a dark, cutoff turquoise tank top and similarly colored baggy pants. (I'm not talking a super short crop here - you can only just see her stomache. She also wears a mesh t-shirt underneath.) Bandages encircle her forearms and bind the pants halfway up her calves. She has small, corked, water-containing urns strapped to each of her hips by a belt-like harness, and wears a sheathed katana on her back, held in place by two fabric loops. She wears her band around her arm, as she doesnt want to display it prominantly.

This is really good to the point where I can imagine the outfit perfectly on her with her appearance.

Shippuden (War-Era): Hairstyle is the same but has grown a bit longer. She wears the traditional flack jacket, but with short sleeve mesh underneath. She wears baggy navy pants, and keeps her short shoes and leg bandages. She now wears her Allied headband on her forehead proudly. She still has the urns, but now she has two katana crossed on her back.

So she changes ever so slightly but it's still a good change showing the way she grew up. The two katana also indicate more training with her sword to the point where she can wield 2.

Age: -15 (Pre-shippuden, Genin)
-16-18 (Time Lapse, Genin)
-18-19 (Shippuden, Genin)
-34 (Brouto Era, Jonin)

Oh so she's 2 to 3 years older than Naruto. Nice.

Note: Akima has been about Chunin level since age 13, and reached Jonin level around 18. That said, she wasnt made a Jonin till after the 4rth Great War due to initial trust concerns. Her not being around during Chunin exams onlydelayed the promotion further.

Ok, thanks for clearing that up.

Birthdate: Feb 15, Aquarius
Blood Type: O-
Personality: Outwardly reserved and cold, dislikes doing things for fun, sassy when she does speak. Perfectionistic and single-minded. She enjoys competition and mentally stimulating games she sees as worth her time. Usually slow to warm... unless someone strikes a chord with her. Has suppressed kinder/happier emotions from a young age. Overtime, through exposure to Kakashi and, in lesser part, Team 7, these rise to the surface more, and we see that she actually places very high value on her comrads, but didn't see herself as deserving of their friendship. (Explanation Later)

That's good but what is worth her time for games if she doesn't like playing games? Is it just she's picky?

Hobbies: Visiting Hotsprings/Bodies of Water, Sparring, Cultivating Plants, Historical Writing
Favorite Foods: Buttered Bread, Fried Vegetables, Seafood, esp. Crab
Least Favorite Foods: Anything Processed, Candies
Sexuality: Unknown, presumably straight, she doesnt give much though to romantic relationships early on

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