My Naruto OC (Akira Shigato)

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Hey guys. This is my OC that is the rival to my other OC in my story. He is basically the second main. Now I'm not going to give up any pictures of him because they will be in the story but I will give the description of how he looks. I also won't give up his relationship and the last him or Boruto (just appearance will be provided.) but I will give you guys what he can do. All other stuff will be in the story. He isn't the main OC in my story but he is important in the story. I hope you like him.

Appearance- Akira's age differs the way he looks. He looks different and has different outfits for each age. Two things that stays the same though is his yellow eyes and green hair.

At 6 Akira's hair is down to his chin with long hair in the middle of his eyes. He wears a white shirt under a green and white jacket that is longer than his arms and hands. He wears white shorts to his knees and sandles. He also has a green scarf that reaches his hips.

At 12 years old Akira's hair changes a bit. He wears a shirt that's sometimes white sometimes black. Over the shirt is a green jacket that has long sleeves and is rolled up to his elbows. He also wore green ninja shorts and blue ninja sandles. His ninja headband is on his forehead like Naruto and Sasuke's.

At 16 Akira has a slash through his headband. He still wears his headband on his forehead and some of his hair covers it. He also stole a Anbu cat mask. He wears a white shirt that covers his neck and little to no sleeves with nets covering his elbows and his right hand. He has Bandages on his left hand but it shows his fingers. He also wears black Ninja pants that goes to under his knees. He has black ninja sandles that goes up to meet his pants. He has Bandages on his left thigh over his pants. His forehead protector ties go to his butt.

At 22 (the last) Akira grew his hair out and came back to the village. Akira's hair is a little longer and is kept in a short but high ponytail. He wears a black kimino shirt with a white shirt under it. Both has no sleeves. Over those is a green vest. He also wears black ninja pants to his ankles and black Ninja sandles. Akira has arm guards from his wrist to his elbow.

At 33 (Baruto) Akira cuts his hair a little. Akira changed his clothes to something more formal but can still fight in. He also wears fingerless battle gloves.

If Akira is in a real fight or mission he wears a white and green suit. He also has two green swords.

Personality- Akira has a very competitive personality. He has no problem being rude and keeps his grudges. Akira's motivation is to beat Kinka. Akira has a dark sense if humor at first. Akira wants to get stronger. He likes reading, training, and Meditation. Akira has a fear of losing in battle and getting killed in battle by someone he deems not worthy. Akira smirks a lot and his a medium patience level till he was about 22. His goal is to fully fight his rival. His dream is to have a best friend that he can consider a good training partern. He has high confidence in his skills and his nervous tactics is to plan out his attacks fully. When Akira gets older these change. Akira changes to a more clam and friendly personality. He becomes more relax and gives love a chance. He becomes more caring and protective of his friends and team. At this time Akira's fear is to lose his friends and loves ones. He has a great patience level and he starts liking sweets more.

Battle- Akira is a strong ninja that also fights with his hands and feet. He however always wanted to learn how to fight with a sword. So he trained using a kunai as a substitute. Akira wanted to be a deadly and Assassination type ninja. He trained his fingers, hands, and arms to be much stronger. His fingers and nails are sharp like a kunai by the time he graduated from the academy. Akira is really good a taijutsu and genjutsu but he isn't really good at ninjutsu. Though his chakra nature is wind, Earth, and fire. Akira also has the rinningan and at 16 the rinningan and Byakugan. Akira gets a sword and starts getting better at ninjutsu at the same time. Akira knows earth wall jutsu and a couple other jutsus. Though he is deadly with his sword he has something called the death grip from his assassin like hands. He could grab them and kill them. He is a brawns person. His team do depend on him and he is a cocky fighter. Though Akira can deal with teamwork he would rather work alone.

Past- When Akira was a baby his father was still very power hungry. He was traveling with baby Akira and saw another baby with the rinningan. Since the eyes were baby eyes they wouldn't be able to fit in his eye sockets but they would fit in Akira's sockets so he switched the eyes. He raised Akira in hidden leaf village, his home village. When Akira was 6 he met Kinka. He started training his his arms, fingers, and hands to be stronger and sharper. His father helped him train being proud. At 12 he graduated from the academy. He was put on team 5 with one of Sasuke's fangirls Matoriga Toku and his male teammate Itzo Washiya. His sensei was a swordsman ninja named Kenji. As he continued to grow up he lost in the chunin exams first round to Kinka. Akira got a sword and started training with that soon after. In a fight against Kinka he unlocked his rinningan. Soon after the fight he left with Orochimaru. As he grew up he asked Orochimaru if he could fuze his rinningan with the Byakugan eyes he stole from a Hyuga he killed. Orochimaru did him the favor which gave him both the rinnegan and the Byakugan. At 16 he had green swords and was deadlier than ever. He and Sasuke would talk about their old team and Kinka and Naruto. After the fourth great ninja war, he and Kinka had a great fight of life and death. They also had a fight in the middle of the war. Once everything was finished and he and Kinka ended up becoming friends he and Sasuke returned to the village. He continued to stay in the village building himself back up. At 22 he reunited with a woman he knew since he was 12 but never really talked to. They ended up having a lot in common and started dating. Soon later he and the woman got married in the last with him purposing to her. He and his wife attends Kinka's wedding as well. At 33 Akira has a son named Kai who looks like both him and his wife. He fights and takes care of his family. He is one of Naruto's trusted ninjas that he knows can get the job done. He loves his family and would die for them.

Well that is the most I'm going to give to Akira. If you want to know more about him you have to read the story. Which will be up soon. The one named Kinka is my main Naruto OC and is the main character in my story. I hope you like Akira. Now for the Naruto OC reviews, I won't be putting a note at the end so we can get through them faster.

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