OC 68 (Ai Haruno [Senju])

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This OC is by -misshatake I hope you like it. One thing I also must say is that this author has her own Naruto OC reviews up and is taking requests. I had her review a OC of mine and she did a amazing job. Check her reviews out as well to see how mine and hers differ.

Genre : Naruto Roleplay

Oh ok

Last Name : Haruno ( Senju ) .
First Name : Ai - ( 愛 ) - literally meaning ' love ' .

Nice name, i wait to see this Haruno but Senju thing.

Gender : Female


Sexuality : Bisexual


Love Interest :
[ Age 12-13 ] - Inuzuka Kiba ( were not a couple ) .
[ Age 14 ] - Brief feelings towards Yamanaka Ino ( were not a couple ) , later on it was Hyūga Neji ( were a couple for two years ) .
[ Age 16 ] - Still hung up on Hyūga Neji
[ Age 17-18 ] - Hatake Kakashi ( mutual feelings , were a secret couple until she was old enough so they both can announce their relationship to everyone ) .

Interesting I wonder how this went.

Family :
[ Mother ] - Haruno Aina ( deceased ) .
[ Father ] - Senju Chōei ( deceased ) .
[ Younger Brother ] - Haruno / Senju Eiji ( alive ) .
[ Cousin ] - Haruno Sakura ( alive ) .
[ Aunt ] - Haruno Mebuki ( alive ) .
[ Uncle ] - Haruno Kizashi ( alive ) .

So who exactly is the senju in this family? The mother or father is related to Sakura's father seeing as she is Ai's cousin but her younger brother is a senju while both of the parents are Harunos. So who is the senju to give her and her little brother this name? One of the parents have to be.

Age :
[ Part 1 ] - 12 - 13
[ Part 2 ] - 16 - 17
[ The Last ] - 19
[ Boruto ] - 32 - N/A

So the Naruto group's age.

Personality : Ai appears to be a very sweet and caring girl , somewhat shy and can't always speak her mind . Easily flustered , not to mention a bit short tempered . Can accidentally come off as rude because she can't always pick the right words to say in a certain situation .

Wait so she's shy, short tempered, and can come off rude. Sounds like Sakura, Hinata, and Neji mixed into one. Mainly a Hinata, I can understand her being shy but getting mad doesn't mean she has to be short tempered. Coming off as a accidentally rude is alright but being short tempered and shy does not go together at all. Getting mad is one thing but she sounds like another Hinata and I don't remember seeing Hinata lose her temper as with Sakura with a short temper I don't ever remember her being shy, but I have seen them both flustered.

Beneath all of that , when provoked , Ai can be intimidating , obsessive and even bloodthirsty . She can go from cute to psycho in a matter of seconds , which scares . Only the closest to her know of her true personality , and you could say she is a bit yandere . . .

Not trying to sounds mean but this is the biggest cliche in the book. Cute but bloodthirsty when provoked. Too many OC have this trait to the point where it's annoying. Not to mention most yandere but hide their killer side they let it show. To many OCs have been given to much hate from this cliche because it's so overused in Female OCs. I would suggest picking either shy or killing because having both without a good reason isn't good. For instance another suggestion if you can't choose is a trigger that happens that makes her switch to being a killer back to shy, such as when launch from dragon ball z sneezes she changes and have a different hair color or Toko Fukawa from Danganronpa when she passes out and brings out her murder side. Other than that I would choose one and stick with it but it's just a suggestion.

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