OC 56 (Chika Yamamoto)

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This OC is by Jazzy_The_Queen i hope you like it.

Name: Chika Yamamoto
(智 (chi) meaning "wisdom, intellect" and 花 (ka) meaning "flower") 
(山 (yama) meaning “mountain” and 本 (moto) meaning “base/origin”)

This is a nice name and thanks for the meaning.

Gender: Female


Age: 13 (part 1), 16 (part 2), 19 (the last), 32 (Boruto)

So she's the Naruto age. Nice

Family: Ayane Yamamoto (mother, deceased) Haruto Yamamoto (father, alive) Sora Yamamoto (little brother) Aina Yamamoto (step mother)

Nice and thanks for the life status of the family and their roles.

Sexuality: Homosexual (lesbian)


Love Interest: Ino

Nice, this is one of the first OCs I seen that have Ino as a love interest.


Part 1: Chika has pastel pink eyes, dark skin, and a bald head which she shaved for reasons soon stated. She wears a white t-shirt with a black hoodie, and khaki cargo shorts. She wears sky-blue ninja sandals and has silver goggles that she usually wears around her neck with her ninja headband. Chika has a small bag that she carries everywhere containing an engraved kunai, one of her brother’s drawings, and a book in which she uses to entertain herself with.

This is really cool and I never seen a OC with a shaved head yet. Good job.

Part 2: She still has a neatly shaved head and pink eyes. Chika now wears a crop-top gray hoodie over a t-shirt, the color and fitting of the t-shirt she chooses can change. She wears khaki cargo pants but now wears a black bandana on her head along with her goggles. Her ninja headband is worn on her neck still and she has a larger bag (although not huge) to carry a small make-up kit an engraved kunai, an old crumpled photo of her younger brother, her dad, and herself.

This is great and the fact that her outfit didn't change much from part 1 to part 2 is great as well.

Personality and Backstory (it’s best to tell these to together, I’m sorry if it’s a hassle): Chika grew up with bother her parents and her younger brother up until she was 9 when her mother passed away from lung cancer, when her mother died Chika went into a kind of depression, her school work was the only thing she paid attention to, the workaholic mindset stuck with her for quite awhile because of all the mental relief the work gave her. Soon her brother wiggled himself back into her life and she slowly started opening up again.

This is very interesting and is actually very relatable to people in real life.

Personality and Backstory: She was a bit more energetic and was willing to stop working for longer periods of time. In her last year of Academy she met Ino, they became best friends and she slowly developed feelings for her.

Nice and I assume this is part 2 as well. This is really good.

Final Analysis- This OC is really good and is straight to the point. She has a relatable backstory for people who have lost family to cancer. However, I still don't know where she shaved her head off from. Was it because she lost her mother or is it another reason? Thank you so much for letting me review your OC. It was a honor.

Naruto OC reviewsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora