OC Clan 1 (Hashimoto Clan)

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Hey guys, this one is very different than a regular OC. It's not a OC, it's a OC clan. When I got this request I was surprised and thought it was different so I said yeah and was very excited. This Clan is by sovlars and I'm happy to review this clan. Thanks.

橋本一族 (The Hashimoto clan) 

Meaning of the name:
橋本 (Hashimoto, meaning 橋 bridge and 本 base)

That is a beautiful name and the meaning is great.


In the Hashimoto clan all of the kids are born as twins. Each of the siblings represents an element opposite to the one of their brother or sister. The clan probably isn’t as old as the Senju or the Uchiha but some say it dates as far back as the creation of Konohagakure. The origins of the clan are unclear but they are currently known to be living in Sunagakure. 

Oh that is very unique and interesting how the twins are opposite elements. That's really cool and could have a lot of uses. I also like how you didn't put them with the Senju and Uchiha as in the past.

The jutsu they specialize in is Genjutsu. Every pair of twins has a combo jutsu that is used on very rare occasions. The ones who have experienced a combo created by Hashimoto siblings haven’t lived to tell the tale. 

That is good but it also sounds a bit OP. The reason is that not all people who go up against these twins should die. What if Naruto went up against them? What if a genjutsu master like itachi went up against them? I would suggest not having people die but maybe go insane and it's not all  of them. Maybe like 90% of them.

How the elements are chosen:

The older sibling wields the main element in the pair. The element of the younger sibling has to be weaker than the older one’s. Here is a list of the opposites:

Fire (main) > Wind
Wind (main) > Lightning
Lightning (main) > Earth
Earth (main) > Water
Water (main) > Fire

That is really cool. Also how the older sibling has the stronger jutsus is cool. Thanks for the chart too.

The twins who wield the Yin and Yang are an exception to this rule. They are a well balanced combination and neither of them is weaker or stronger than the other. This type of pair is found only in twins who are the same age.

All twins are the same age unless one was born at 11:59pm the 4th and the other was born at 12:00am which would be the 5th. Other than that all twins are born on the same day but never at the same time. I don't even think that is possible to have two babies come out at once. That's a 1% chance and the mother most likely died after giving birth cause she was/had to be torn open to get both babies out st once. Also the yin and yang clan is the hyuga clan. If you take a look at Neji or Boruto when they do 8 trigrams 64 palms, the yin and Yang symbol appear under them for it is a hyuga move that senses the body.

How the twins are named:

Their names have a similar meaning to their element. For example:

荫 (Yin, meaning shade) and 阳 (Yang, meaning light) – twin sisters, Yin and Yang release

颯真 (Souma, meaning 颯 sound of wind and 真 genuine) and駿 (Shun, meaning fast) – twin brothers, Wind and Lightning release

Those are great names for them.

When only one child is born:

If only one child is born, without a twin and has the Kekkei Genkai of the clan, which allows a person to create a combo with an opposing element, it’s killed right after the age of five. If it doesn’t have the Kekkei Genkai of the clan its parents choose to which clan it will be given.

One problem. You said in the first paragraph that all children were born twins so if all children are born twins than how can there be one without a twin? Also there has to be a limit to what clan it would go to if it somehow doesn't get a twin and is not somehow killed. I know the Uchiha clan is not one sense they are dead, Hyugas only really help Hyugas and we already know about the Senjus and the Uzumakis but the other clans should be fine. However, the child of the clan that are somehow sent shouldn't learn the clan's secret for one, being a outsider and two, not being able to do the jutsu because they aren't part of that clan. Other than that the Clan is great.

I would really appreciate it if you read the note at the end. It is very important. First the final Analysis.

Final Analysis- This Clan has tons of potential and room to grow. There are many holes in this clan. One is the single child thing and they are all born twins. Another is that they are killed if born as a single child but is somehow sent to another village. Something else is the yin and yang which is already the hyuga clan which I think people just forget. Everything else about this clan is amazing and great. It has so much potential and I was very impressed reading it but those traits I have stated above is the only problems. This Clan is really good though but those things need fixing and a different method. Thank you so much for letting me review your OC Clan. It was a honor.

Now the only thing I want to say is that I want to slow down a bit. It has been getting very stressful and hard to get requests down quickly when all I have to do is work. I love doing these reviews and aren't going to stop but I would like to calm down with the OC Reviews for now to work on my other books. One I haven't even updated sense last year. Also with those books I can take all the time I need while with OC reviews I try to get them done and not have the requester waiting. I'm not stopping this book but I am taking a break from the OC reviews. This will resume and I will be taking requests again May 20th 2018. That should be when everything else cools down in my family and work/school. I will still update books and if it calms down before hand I'll update this book saying i started earlier than expected. If you read this all of this thank you so much. I really hope you all are enjoying your lives and are living it to the fullest, also after this Clan review I actually like reviewing the OC clan so if you want me to review that separate from the OC than by all means send them over. See you all later and I hope you all have a great week.

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