OC 94 (Madoku Uchiha)

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This OC is by Narutoandkurama I hope you like it.

Name: Madoku Uchiha

Oh a Uchiha, also nice name

Sibling(s): Sasuke and Itachi


Part 1: 12
Part 2: 16
Boruto: 30

So the naruto age's group

Gender: female


Rank: New ninja ( what's it called?)

I hope you genin.

Looks: Hair covers right eye and her bangs go a little past her shoulders and the back part of her hair is really short (because she insist it helps by ninjas not having something to grab on to). Her hair is black. She has black eyes and long eyelashes. She is pale. Dark pink shirt with a with the Uchiha symbol on the right Connor on the front of her shirt. She wears her headband on her neck and has knee high boots and dark grey shorts.
Part 2: Hair is slightly longer. Her shirt has a long neckline the shows done her bra. She wears a purple skirt with black shorts. Her hair is now tied back in a pony tail. She now has plain ninja boots.

Nice appearance

Best friend and rival: Joey Namikaze


Team 8 Relationship with Sasuke: They love each other but don't talk with each other that much after that night. If they had to fight Itachi and if Itachi held Sasuke as a hostage she would have not hesitate to kill him.

Ok so she still cares for her brother but the event changed them both. Cool

Background: She spent the day training with Sasuke and came back to find her clan dead. After that her and Sasuke trained harder then ever to become stronger to kill their older brother. She was 2nd best in their class and was the female class heart throb. She met Joey by the swings and they hung out a lot after missions and such. When she joined team 8 she immediately hated everyone on her team. She made it into the final round of the chunin exams and had to fight Joey she hardley won. During the second round of the chunin round of the exams she teamed of with team 7 and ended up getting the curse mark because Orochimaru thought its better to have a extra just in case Sasuke didn't make it. After the Garra incident she and Sasuke ended up going to Orochimaru and before they got there she had to fight Joey and of course won.

2 years later: She was almost as strong as Sasuke. When the new team 7 found her and Sasuke she almost killed Joey but then thought of all their fun they had as kids so she couldn't bring her self to do it. Later she found herself on team Hebi. Also after she left Orochimarus clutches she found herself to be socially awkward after not talking to many people for 2 years. She then later helped kill Itachi and awakened the mangekyo sharingan. She helped attack the gokage meeting and watched as Sasuke killed Danzo.

So she basically just had Sasuke's life but with different characters that are most likely OCs. That was what I feel like I just read. She isn't different in anyway? Everything is the exact same as Sasuke, even the attitude is the same and this Joey character is obviously her Naruto. I would recommend doing some things be different because just reading it, she's pretty much just a female Sasuke and that's it.

War: She gets the rinnegan after getting killed by Madara and helps take him down until Kagura comes. She gets trapped in the infinate Tsukoyimi and then is awakened after its all over. When she returns to the village she decides to stay a year to hang out with her friends and was going to travel with Sasuke after her year was up. During her year she develops a crush on Kiba and later they end up getting married.

So she only knows him for a Kiba and they have a crush on each other and get married? Not to mention why is she always with Sasuke? She's attached to him like a lost puppy, she can do other things than tag along, we don't even get to hear about her team or anything it's all just her and she just stays behind Sasuke like a shadow.

Personality: Loner, keeps to self, smart. Chakra nature's: fire and water (can. Male fire the make steam with the water...) Strength: strong

Literally Sasuke for the personality but the Chakra Nature of her having water is different and that's good.

Final Analysis- This OC is gonna need some work. She is exactly like Sasuke and does the same thing as him at the same time. She's pretty much a female Sasuke and that's it, this Joey is like her Naruto. Siblings aren't exactly alike, they don't need to be the same. For instance you can ask anyone with siblings and they most likely won't be like their siblings. Me and my siblings are nothing alike and if you look at the siblings in Naruto or other animes, many if them don't even have the same personality. The way this character is, she is literally just Sasuke and that's it, not to mention she just follows him around. It don't even feel like she has her own story, it's more like it's Sasuke's story and she's a tag along. Maybe you can have her join a different organization, or have her go rogue and have her own goals but she even has the same goals as Sasuke. She just isn't unique, she's a copy and paste character and needs to be rewritten. If you would like help with this I am open any day to talk. Thank you for letting me review your OC, it was a honor.

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