OC Sprint (Mitsuki Hazumiko)

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It popped on my head ever since I watched naruto but my friends are'nt anime fans and don't watch naruto.I thought I could ask your opinion.So I have never heard anyones opinion on this.

No problem. I know how you feel. My friends make OCs and watch Naruto but they either do one or the other.

Name:Mitsuki Hazumiko,(Daughter)

A cute name.

Appearance:4'2, Long black hair with violet ends that reaches her knees, Magenta eyes, wears a long sleeved lavender tanktop, Violet skirt, leather fingerless gloves, black sandals that reaches her knees.

That's cute but I would put shorts under her skirt. It is easy to imagine but I would also add some more clothing because she is a ninja. There is some with hair that long in the chunin exams so it's not impossible. There is also a character with multi colored hair too so it's fine.


part 2: black hair with violet ends that is in a french braid,wears fisnet gloves thay reaches her elbow kimono like sakura but the white lines turned to black and the pink to lavander.Violet sandal reaches her mid thigh.

Ok and again I would recommend the shorts underneath her kimono. For the saddles I haven't seen anyone with their saddles that long. The longest I have seen is Sakura's ninja sandle boots. I believe you should keep them the same.

Gender: female


Age: in naruto 12 yrs old In

Naruto shippudden: 17yrs old In.

boruto: 32 yrs old

For all the ages. Good.

Personality: Cold and sarcastic,mean to you if your not close to her or she is your enemy, she is sweet, caring, skilled, serious when needed to.

Skilled wouldn't be a personality trait however I can see where you are going with the personality. For instance, it's like to a enemy she is mean but to a adult she is sweet basically showing respect to the adult but not to the enemy. It's just a example but please correct me if I'm wrong.

Position:she is an anbu level since she is very strong,She had help with her jinchuriki Sarihano but she keeps it a secret to everyone that she has a high level and has a jinchuriki so she is still a genin.

How old is she at this age. Also why must she have a Jinchuriki? It could just be a summoning sense there are only nine jinchuriki and the ten tails only come after all 9 is combined. I would recommend making Sarihano a summoning and for the level of anbu I would recommend her to be at least 17 or 18 to be anbu level or it could be considered Mary Sue.

Past:She was used by her first love to kill her clan because of his clan being shadowed by her clan he now told everone about it making her clan look bad especially her, in the process a demon woke up from her slumber cause of the distress as she tries to destroy konohagakeru ,mitsuki sealed her inside her. She now trained and fight with her and swore that she will never fall inlove again because of what happens .She want to be the  next legandary sannin to be accepted as a good person so they won't hate her.  

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