OC 118 (Suisen Hanahaki)

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This OC is by lerauz I hope you like it.

Name: Suisen Hanahaki

Nice name

Age: 12/13

So about Sasuke's age

Gender: Female


Family: She only has long distant family, living on the Land of the Tea. An old man named Tsutsuji (The last Hanahaki with pure blood besides Suisen), his wife Eichi, their daughter Tsubaki, her husband Daisuke and their twins Ren and Himari. Her mother Sagisō, her father Renge disappeared with the rest of the Hanahaki clan by mysterious ways on a fateful night, when Suisen was only 4 years old.

Very interesting, thanks for their history.

Appearance: She has rice white colored hair, lemon yellow eyes, and warm beige skin. Her height is 1.57 m. She wears a pickle green short sleeved jacket with pockets, with a white shirt under. She wears black fingerless gloves that cover her forearms, black sandals and black shorts that reach just above her knees. Eventually she wears her black forehead protector as a hair band.

The appearance is good but I have one question...is their a reason why the colors are food based? Rice white (even though rice can be brown), pickle green, lemon yellow? I'm just curious.

Personality: Suisen is skeptical about pretty much everything and everyone, she believes everyone has second intentions behind their actions towards her or the people she cares about. She is stubborn but, can actually admit when she is wrong, it takes time though. She is a master over thinker and easily loses herself on her on mind, even in dangerous situations. Other than that, Suisen always wants to be on others good side, even if she doesn’t especially like them, she never knows when she’ll need a favor from them. She is very expressive and overall tries her bets to be a nice person and model citizen, even if she is really bad at socializing.

Good, this is nice and at least she's trying.

Battle: During a fight, Suisen tries to avoid thinking much and improvises a lot, she does this on an attempt to avoid overthinking the situation. She is a long distance fighter, using her abilities to keep enemies at bay and protecting her team mates. If she doesn’t think much about it, she can adapt quite easily to the situation and environment. If she is caught in a close range fight, she prefers to be evasive and defensive, since she knows she doesn’t have the strength to actually win a fight with her fist. Suisen has the ability to use wood release, sprouting flowers from her body and around her. She isn’t very skilled actually using wood, so she sticks to plants, flowers and seeds. She uses this skill to create barriers, poison and medicine. She learns how to sprout flower seeds out of her body and she has a sense of where they have fallen. She usually uses this to her advantage by releasing and sending them close to her enemy, so that when they breathe the seeds, she triggers them, they grow inside the person’s throat asphyxiating them (Hence the Hanahaki theme) She almost never uses this, as she believes it’s inhuman to kill others. She is very agile and fast, but lacks strength. She has 0 skill in genjutsu, knows the average jutsus and manages herself quite well in a more defensive style of taijutsu.

She has great intelligence to be fighting like this.

Past: For a little background: The Hanahaki family is the user of the wood release, only a few fortunate was born with this ability. They are a pacifist clan. A long time ago, Shobu Hanahaki, a kind woman, married to Batsuma Senju, and thus, passing down the wood release to their son Hashirama Senju. …So, the Hanahaki moved and lived peacefully in Konoha, they helped on the shinobi wars as medic ninjas and creating barriers and defenses. They were known for their vitality and healing abilities. The Hanahaki clan spent their time being normal citizens of Konoha, owning mostly tea shops and flower shops, since they were a rather small clan, and more and more members married out of the clan and changed their name to their spouses, the remaining Hanahaki lived in a small compound in the village. They were very close to the Yamanaka family. Four years after Suisen was born, in the dark of the night, the entire family disappeared, leaving no trace, no bodies nor blood to prove what happened to them, leaving only a small Suisen hidden inside of a tree, to be found by Inoichi Yamanaka. She grew up living with the Yamanaka family, and developed a strong hate at the thought of becoming a ninja. She believed that the ninja of the village knew what happened to her family but didn’t want to tell, and became even angrier when she discovered the they didn’t even try to investigate what had happened to the Hanahaki clan. She wanted nothing to do with ninjas, and her goal in life was to be a normal person, own a tea shop and form a family. However, the Third Hokage made it impossible for her to escape the ninja world, as he said that as a minor she should attend to the academy until she was of age to decide for her own.

Very good past

Relationships: She is friends with Ino, and eventually becomes friends with Sakura too. The distance themselves after Suisen moves to the Hanahaki compound, then she becomes “friends” with Sasuke, seeing as both of them lost their families. In the academy she hangs out with the Ino-Shika-Cho gang, and has a huge crush on Shikamaru. Eventually, in a slow burn kind of romace, she falls for Neji, who is her actual love interest. They aren’t together until the Shippuden time period.

Nice and the fact that friends is in quotes is a nice touch knowing Sasuke.

Other: The only members of the Hanahaki clan, besides Suisen, live in the Land of t

For some reason it got cut off.

Other: The only members of the Hanahaki clan, besides Suisen, live in the Land of the Tea, since in Konoha no one else has remaining blood connections to the clan.


Final Analysis- This is good and I would for you to expand on her cause she has potential. The only question I had was the food color thing but other than that this is really good. Thank you so much for letting me review your OC, it was a honor.

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