OC 35 (Temashi Nara)

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This OC is by NishiSoyaaa I hope you like it.

Genre = Anime 
(Boruto: Naruto Generations)

Oh cool

Have no love interest

Different which is good.

Name: Temashi Nara (I merged Temari and Shikamaru's name together)

Cute and it's a adorable way to combine them. Not to mention it's combined in a way where it's not a ship name it's like a regular name.

Nickname: Tema, or mashi-chan

I like these nicknames. They are very cute and are perfect with her names. However, the first one Tema does seem like it could also fit Temari.

Age: 11 (In a year below Shikadai since she is his younger sister by a year)


Gender: Female


BirthPlace: Sand Village, due to Temari visiting whilst being Pregnant and feeling her water break in the sand village, (Land of Wind?) So she had to give birth there.

Nice, and you gave a great explanation to why she was born there. Also it's ok I call it sand village too.

Family: Shikamaru Nara (Father alive), Temari Nara (Mother alive), Shikadai Nara (Older Brother by one year alive) Gaara No Sabaku (Uncle alive: The sands village kazekage- Mother's side) Kankuro (Uncle Alive- Mothers side) , Shikaku Nara, (deceased grandfather- Fathers side), Yoshino Nara (Deceased Grandmother- Fathers side). Fouth Kazekage( Deceased Grandfather- mothers side), Karura, (Deceased Grandmother- Mothers side)

Nice and thanks for including the members of the family and their current life status as of boruto.

Appearance: She looks very similar to Shikamaru Nara her father. She inherited the signature spiky black hair, to which she puts in a low pony tail with her black fringe coming down from the sides of her face to her chin. 

Cute and the way she makes herself look different by putting the ponytail in a low one is perfect.

She has black hair, similar to Shikamaru, her eyeshape ins't like Temari but like Shikamaru. Shikadai has Temari's eyeshape, a more feminine looking one.

Cool, so she looks like a feminine version of Shikamaru than.

Temashi Nara is skinny looking and is short, she reaches up to Shikadai's Shoulders. Her skin is fair, just like her mother father and older brother. (Light skinned)

Nice, and it's a great measurement for height as well sense she is to Shikadai's shoulder, because all you have to do is put Shikadai next to someone and go to his shoulder to see where she would stand. Good job.

Temashi Nara wears a light green sleeveless zip up shirt with cream coloured shorts. On her arms, from her elbows to her wrists she wears a black fishnet. She also wears a black fishnet on her legs from her knees to her calves. On the back of her sleeveless tshirt, she has the Nara Clan symbol in White.

Nice and it's easy to imagine.

Personality: Temashi Nara is seem to be blunt and sarcastic. Unlike her father and brother, she is very quiet and only speaks when need be. And most of the time this is when she is sarcastic and blunt. She's mostly alone in her class and sits in the middle of the classroom, listening carefully to what the teacher says. 

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