OC 39 (Miyasaki Oyama and Karin)

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This OC is by grasseee I hope you like it.

Name: Miyasaki Oyama (nickname is Miya, or Mitsue)

Nice that's a cute name.

Age: 12 and basically the same age and timeline as Naruto, though I might kill her off.

Oh ok, thanks for the information

Sexuality: She’s all over the place (bisexual like me).

Ok, cool

Birthdate: February 13


Looks: Long semi curly blue hair with a tint of grey that she dyed red but the red dye is fading so only the bottom half of her hair is red and she ties it in a loose-ish ponytail with a red hair tie, pupiless pink eyes, fair skin with immense body blushing as if she were too cold for too long, black long sleeved shirt, red sweater that is cuffed extremely baggy and unzipped that she only wears outside. She wears black leggings (though i know they aren’t supposed to be in the Naruto world) and brown leather tool belt, no socks, and red shinobi shoes. She has plain brown leather cuffs on her forearms with hidden blades (assassin's creed) over her sleeves. She has small scrapes littering her hands, worn down cracked fingernails, and slightly dry rough hands. She’s more muscular for her age and gender, and she has a bunch of multicoloured hair ties on her right wrist. When she’s working she has a metal helmet thing, with a type of one way plastic over her face, she also has fingerless tough gloves. She wears glasses when reading or having trouble looking at things.

Ok, this is pretty good but I don't believe there is dye in Naruto. At least you did note that leggings aren't supposed to be in Naruto and the way she looks makes her battle ready. So she has a more Male body than female? That's cool and makes her different.

 So she has a more Male body than female? That's cool and makes her different

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This is a picture of Miyasaki. This is a very pretty and cute picture. It sums up how she looks as well.

Personality: A mostly neutral person, she fidgets when she's nervous, she a bit quiet, she’s a ambivert leaning towards introvert, she’s extroverted to Sasuke, she’s cool, chill, laid back, kinda a tomboyish personality, awkward sometimes, she likes swearing, she’s bad liar and laughs nervously sometimes, she’s smiley…? And not a lot of things piss her off but sometimes… she’s pretty sarcastic, and a little comeback-ish sometimes. She can be scary when she wants to be.

A lot of different things just happened here but I was able to group it all and put it into a perspective personality group. However, it does say that she is nervous twice so does that mean that she is nervous a lot or not?

Backstory: She was born in Suna into a civilian family and was pretty good friends (not best friends) with Gaara and the sand siblings, until she was 5 and she was experimenting with bombs and blew up a building, killing her parents and a couple that was living near them. She was kicked out of Suna leaving her older-by-one-year-sibling-to-another-mother to hate her.

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