OC 53 (Hayashi Maki)

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This OC Is by MilenaRosa19 I hope you like it.

General Name: Hayashi, Maki (林, 真樹)

This is a very cute name

Age: 13 (Pre-Shippūden) – 16 (Shippūden)

Nice so she's in the group with the Naruto characters.

Species: Human


Gender: Female


Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Ohhh, this is the first OC I had that was pansexual.

Blood Type: O+


Birthday: March, 08


Personality: Maki is fierce, a bit over-protective and caring. She is also stubborn, a bit too trigger happy and very sarcastic. She’s loyal to her family and friends above anything, but can be very blunt if she needs to tell them they’re wrong.

This is good but the sarcasm doesn't belong here. Sarcastic is in a different personality group from her. If I had to use a example of two characters I would say Anko is this trigger happy and stubborn caring person but Sarcastic is Shikamaru. They are two different people, you wouldn't see Anko being Sarcastic like Shikamaru or Shikamaru being trigger happy like Anko.

Good Trait(s): Loyal, caring, funny and determined

Nice traits

Bad Trait(s): Over protective, stubborn, over-protective, sarcastic and a bit rude

Again Sarcastic is in another personality group but rude works very perfectly especially if you put it with blunt.

Like(s): Rain, writing poetry, her family, cooking and walking around


Dislike(s): Prejudice, heat, being bossed (not receiving orders from superiors, but being bossed by people who think they know better when they don’t), not being able to help her family.


Hobby(ies): Writing poetry, cooking, dancing with her brother and doing anything with her friends.


Fear(s): Claustrophobia (Small Spaces); Erotophobia (Sexual Abuse) and Aquaphobia (Deep Water)

Nice, and very interesting.

Strength(s): Stealth, fast thinking and she’s good on nature-filled places.


Weakness(es): She’s not physically strong; has small resistance and can be a wimpy sometimes

Ok, so she can sneak around but can't attack. This is a great flaw.

Personal Quote: Yes, I’m black, yes, I’m a lady, yes, I weight more than most girls. And you know what? Yes, I can kick your ass anyway.

This quote goes great with her personality.

History: She was born as the middle child of the Itogakure clan Hayashi. She was the younger sister of Isamu, and when she was six she had a baby brother, Yasu, who was born mute. Maki has got a load of trouble because of her weight, her hair and her skin color, but she never really cared, thought what made her more furious was when anyone talked about Yasu. When she was seven her family traveled to Konoha with her family to close a commercial accord with the Akimichi Clan, which resulted on a marriage contract between the clans. At age nine, she suffered a sexual assault, but her aunt got there before it was consummate and killed the man. She had to do therapy for a long time. At age thirteen, her village was attacked by The Kyōdai Ai, a group of rogue ninjas who wanted a special balm of another clan. The Hayashi Clan tried to help, but Itogakure was basically taken up, which caused the principal clans to run to Konoha, where they had commercial/military accords.

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