OC 16 (Momo Yuna)

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Hey guys now I don't know why but even though I'm taking a break i still wanted to review. This OC is by LiaHatake12 I hope you all like it.

Genre: A fanfiction I plan on starting this summer called "Our Sibling Bond"

Sounds great, I'd definitely read it.

Name: Momo Yuna

Name meaning: Peach, dark river

Cute name and meaning behind it. It's nice.

Age: 12-13


Birthday: October 7th

Oh that's cool

Gender: Female


Blood type: O positive


Family: Iri Yuna (Mother, deceased), Rukion Yuna (Father, deceased), Naruto Uzumaki (Brother?, they were raised like it and believe that they are siblings)

Oh ok thanks for the life status and their roles.

Status: Momo is hated by the villagers because she always is with Naruto and considers Naruto as a brother

I can see that. The villagers hate Naruto at the time and didn't want their children or anyone near him. So being friends with him would make your character hated too.

Height: 4'2
Weight: 89 pounds (I don't know what a good height to weight would be for this one)

It's an ok height to weight ratio but it depends on the body type. You can be 4'2 but chubby or 4'2 and skinny and the weight would change. It all depends on the body type.

Skin tone: Same as Naruto


Hair color: a pastel blue


Appearance: Momo has white eyes, though there's nothing wrong with her, knee length pastel blue hair that is usually clipped to the left showing her birthmark, and was born with a waving crescent moon on the right side her forehead in a silvery white color. Momo can usually be found in a black over sized jacket that's unzipped and a pink shirt that has baby blue stripes, and can be found in light blue sweatpants. Momo tends to not wear her Leaf Village headband and keeps her weapons pouch and medicine pouch on her left leg. Lastly, Momo wears blue ninja sandals.

That is a nice outfit. However the stripes might be cutting in as a little to modern. I don't remember if any Naruto characters have stripes unless it's like Boruto's jacket. Other than that it's ok.

Personality: Momo is really shy and stutters at least once in every sentence. Momo is also very caring and innocent not even knowing what boyfriends and girlfriends are. Momo, along with caring is kind and worry's a lot. She also calls Naruto Onii-Chan even though they aren't siblings but they grew up together like siblings, as well as love each other as siblings.

Very cute, so she has the personality of Hinata. That's fine, it's also good that you didn't put something like hot tempered because that would have contrasted with her overall personality of being shy. Great job.

Likes: Ramen, Naruto, Kakashi-Sensei, pastel blue, pink, stuffed animals, chocolate

Nice and cute

Dislikes: Sushi, people that hurt her friends


Chakra Natures: Wind release, fire release

Cool, and awesome that she has two. She can have three but two is fine.

Chakra Control: Above average by a little bit

Oh so slightly above average. That's really good.

Weapons: Momo tends to only carry Senbon needles on a regular basis.

Cool. It's a common weapon too so it makes her more normal.

Past: Momo was born in Konohagakure, but her parents died while the Nine Tails attacked Konoha and the Third Hokage decided to do what he did with Naruto as it came for raising, so they both had somebody that they knew they could trust so he had them raised like siblings with Momo. While growing up Momo and Naruto started to believe that they were actually siblings. Momo also did her best to help with Naruto with his pranks while getting good grades in the academy at the same time. Also, during this Momo decided to ask the Third Hokage if he could help her study medical stuff for her and Naruto. After a while Momo had learned all about how to treat wounds and things, while learning some medical ninjutsu. This is about it to Momo's past as she was raised with Naruto like a brother.

Very well put and makes sense. However, there is one thing. When did she learn the medical ninjutsu? If you don't have a age set I would recommend about 10 or 11 for when she learned the ninjutsu everything else can be younger.


Hers and Naruto's relationship: Momo and Naruto actually believe that they were born siblings even though they aren't because of how close they are and they were raised togeather.

That's very cute. I also like how you gave Naruto a friend. It's sweet.

Aiming: Momo is amazing at aiming with her senbon needles and things, and even better when she isn't aiming when she's nervous.

Oh so her shyness even affects her in battle. That's a great flaw that adds to her overall person.

Medical: Momo learned medical stuff and Medical ninjutsu for the sole purpose of Naruto.

Cute, and she seems like the protective type too. I can definitely see her doing medical jutsus.

Favorite food and least favorite food: Momo's favorite food is Ramen and her least favorite food is sushi.

Nice even though it has already been stated. But it's a good refresher.

Final Analysis- This OC is really good and doesn't even have anything to work on. I don't know about the stripes yet but I think they are ok, and for the age when she learned medical ninjutsu I would suggest 10 or 11 but it's only a suggestion. You did really good with this OC. It was a honor reviewing her and thanks for choosing me tot review her.

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