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Hey what's up everyone. This here is my OC reviews. Here you can read about people's OCs and my reviews on them. If you want to submit one of your OCs for reviews and feed back then step right up.

Warning: I will not be just saying how great your OC is. If your OC has flaws and is OP or Mary Sue-Ish I will be stating that. This is not to just recognize good OCs but to also help you and others to improve them.
There are many ways to submit this and 2 things you must know when Submitting. I'll name them right now.

1. If you have something bad about your OC I will say it. I won't sugar code it. Like if you say your OC could conquer planets in a blink of a eye then I would like to know how and why. If there is no explaination you my friend get a Sue rating.

2. I won't just be mean. I am a nice person but I take stories and characters seriously. If a story or fanfic doesn't have a good character. Not many people will read it.

Like i said I won't praise your OC if it's not good but I won't hate it if it needs improvement. That's why I'm here. To review and help you fix your OC if you want it. There is a few reviewing things that you need to know if you want me to review.

1. Tell me the genre. I need to know what is this OC for. Are you going to use it in a fanfiction? Is it a OC for Roleplay? Is it there just because you want to have a talk about OCs? I need to know these things.

2. It doesn't matter if you put them in cannon. I don't mind if you have them meeting someone in the cannon, or married someone in the cannon because it doesn't effect the actual cannon. If your character is married to Shikamaru it doesn't bother me. The only thing I would need to know is how they fell in love.

4. What I need. I don't need their life story. That would be nice but I need the basics. If your going to submit a OC for me to review then this is how I would like the format to be.

Example: Naruto OC

Age: if they are up with the Naruto crew I need the part 1 age part 2 The last, and Baruto age.
Family: all members and next to their names please put what they are like let's say. Naruto Uzumaki (Little Brother).

Appearance: This could be a things like Hair color, eye color, skin tone, body type, height, weight. What is more important is that you describe what they are wearing or look like at some age like. 12; Masu has short hair. 16; Masu has long hair because he grew it out. 22; He still has his long hair but now keeps it in a low ponytail. 33; he cut his hair. This is just a example. Or if you have pictures that would be fine or actually kinda better.

Personality: Words like nice, fun, born leader, those are good but I would like you to actually describe his personality like, Masu is a lone wolf. Type of thing. I would also like you to point out the flaws of your character to. And clumsy does not count.

Battle: Your OC is from Naruto so how do they fight and what are their status. Medic ninja and do they use a weapon? What jutsus do they have? These are questions I need the answers too.

Past: I for sure need this to evaluate your OC. This is by all means the most important part. Their background. I need this to be detailed.

Relationship with characters: If your OC is married to someone like Sasuke or Kakashi then I need to know how they met and how they fell in love. I do not accept love at first sight. Especially for Sasuke because knowing Sasuke he would not fall in love in first sight.

Other: if there is anything else that you want me to know for your OC. This should be required. Like list some jutsus they have or their clan, genkei kenkei, or doujutsu.

4. I accept recolors. I am not going to give you a bad review for recoloring a picture and changing their hair style and saying it is your OC. Though you shouldn't. It's fine for this so don't think it isn't. It won't affect your score.

5. Be prepared for criticism. Once you submit your OC that gives me control to use criticism. I won't change your character but be ready for your OC to be pointed out. If they are good then it will all be fine and you won't have to worry.
Well that is all. You can submit your OC to me by either putting it in the comments or messaging me privately. You won't have to rewrite your OC unless it's on paper. But if you have a link to your OC from a website like D Art, animo, or something like that then message me and send the link and I'll go from there. If you don't want to be named for your OC then please tell me when you Submit it or you will get named.

Also I may ready to point out these Mary Sue like no tomorrow. Submit me a Mary Sue. Any Mary Sue from either a fanfic, animo, d art, or Roleplay and I will go over them and give them not only criticism but hell.

Thank you for reading this summary and let's get started on Reviewing OCs.

(Read important note, very last chapter)

Naruto OC reviewsWhere stories live. Discover now