OC 112 (Aria Hanasaki)

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This OC is by star1320 I hope you like it.

Name: Aria hanasaki 

Cute name

Age: 16 


Rank: jonin

Jounin already? Well it is possible but you better have a good explanation

Gender: female 


Family: Mirai Hanasaki (younger sister- alive)

Thanks for the family relationship and life status.

Appearance: Aria has shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes. Her hair is often tied in a spiky ponytail with her fringe sweeping to the right side and some strands left framing her face. Her face has a small scar that runs along her cheek. She wears a black long sleeved top with the sleeves rolled up past her elbow hiding the fuinjutsu on her upper arms. She also wears her Jounin vest and a dark green shemagah around her neck. She wears the standard Jounin pants with a kuni and shuriken pouch on each thigh and a light grey belt that has scrolls attached to it. And black Shinobi boots and fingerless gloves. She also has her signature finjutsu covered bracelets on her wrists that allow her to summon her weapons that are sealed into them. 

This is a very good looking OC and thanks for giving her something to not give her perfect skin like a scar, it really makes you different from the other OCs.

Personality: Aria is quite calm and is very cunning and strategic often likening to play mind games on others for her amusement. Which often causes arguments between her and others. She is quite mischievous outside of work and enjoys having fun however she is very serious and stubborn when it comes to her work and doesn’t like to quit often leading to chakra exhaustion or injuries. 

Nice and the fact that something in her personality makes her get in trouble is great. Good job.

Battle: aria is space-time ninjutsu specialist focusing on weapons. She uses the Shunshin, taijutsu and weapons as her main battle style often trying to outsmart her opponents and land quick and lethal hits to take them down. She doesn’t often use ninjutsu and tends to use genjutsu more as a means of escape then a tool to fight.

This is really good, thanks for using genjutsu, not a lot of people do. She has some good moves.

Past: Aria and Mirai grew up in a normal home with their father. Aria liked reading and books and would often visit the library it was there she read about the legends of Shinobi and decided to become one herself. She passed through the academy in the middle of her class although she would often be failed in konochi class as her teacher disliking her tomboyish tendency’s. She was placed on a genin squad with two clan heirs and was quickly overlooked and her training pushed to the side as there’s was deemed more important and her genin Sensei seemed to have little time for her. Aria began to train by herself and bought herself some weapons thinking it would give her an advantage. While searching in the library on weapon techniques she found a book on fuinjutsu and it talked about a woman who would summon weapons from scrolls and fight with them she was hooked on the idea and began to learn fuinjutsu. Aria past her first chunin exams along with a Nara boy and soon they were often partnered for missions. Aria joined the torture and interrogation unit near the start of her chunin career and became koyoko’s student learning more about mind games and assassination techniques. Aria latter took the jonin exams and failed on her first attempt before passing the next time the jonin exams came round. 

Ok her past is alright but the fact that she failed because of her personality is wrong, as in it is actually against the law to fail a student because you dislike them. It goes against the code of conduct, now I can see another reason why being she isn't from a clan and therefore the person didn't watch her and evaluate her correctly but other than that the other way just isn't acceptable. Now another thing is the girls do get tested but it's in a separate room and they can get the same scores as the guys. There is no class that just has the girls so I would get rid of that as well. The last thing is the fact that I don't know what time period she's in, I know she's 16 but I don't know if she's 16 during part 1 or part 2 or even Boruto. But sense she looks up to Tenten I'm guessing Boruto.

Relationship with characters: Aria is dating Shikarou Nara (Oc) they went to school together however they didn’t talk much till later when they both became chunin together and the rest of there year mates stayed genin. Overtime they got to know one another through lots of missions as they were often teamed together. Not long after becoming Jonin Aria decided to act on her feelings for Shikarou and ask him out. He accepted and they have been dating since. 

Sense he is a OC I won't ask for more information so this is good.

Other: Aria is trying to create her own high speed movement techniques similar to the Shunshin and become like her idol Tenten

Very nice and the fact that she looks up to Tenten is great as well.

Final Analysis- This OC is pretty good but has some things to answer. I do ask to explain more and do the changes I suggest. She has a lot of potential and already has the good makings of a OC. Especially sense I only had limited amount of information to work with. Thank you so much for letting me review your OC, it was a honor.

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