OC 84 (Joey Namikaze)

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This OC is by Narutoandkurama I hope you like it.

Name: Joey Namikaze

Nice and before anyone say anything there are some english names in Naruto. Tobi is one so it may be rare but that's doesn't mean she can't have this name.

Part 1: 12-13
Part 2:15-16
The last:19

Nice, the naruto age.

Gender: female


Rank (in parts 1, 2, and the last):gun in?

I don't understand this part what is gun in?

Looks: Part 1: Long brown Hair put in 2 ponytails, A pale turquoise belly shirt with sleeves and a collar with a fishnet shirt under it. Black shorts with the leaf symbol on it, Headband on waist (leaf symbol) and blue ninja boots. One fingerless glove. And tan skin, blue eyes, and Naruto whiskers.

Why does she have Naruto whiskers? I'm sure there is a explanation and I can't wait to hear it.

Part 2: Long brown hair with it kept down but with 2 double buns at the top. A pale turquoise belly shirt with a collar with the shuriken symbol on it, and fishnet shirt under it. Black shorts, with sakura looking shoes. And two fingerless gloves. Tan, blue eyes, and Naruto whiskers on the face.

Didn't really change much so that's good.

Bestfriend(s): Sakura, Naruto, and Sarah (different Naruto OC)


Crush: Naruto


Backstory: Like Naruto she didn't know her parents and was bullied by the villagers. She lived in a hole in the ground for 8 years of her life while also going to the academy to become a ninja. She met Naruto when she went up to the great stone faces to think. He invited her to live with him so now their best friends. And she also found out she held half of the nine tails in her. She was put on team 7 (uneven number in class). And became best friends with Sakura. Later she was training with Naruto and they met pervy sage. After Sasuke left the village he let them go train with him for 2 years. 2 years later she came back with the 100 healings mark. She overheard Tsunade talking to Sakura about it. She also taught herself medical ninjutsu. Later after learning Rasenshuriken with Naruto she was kept in hidden with him on the turtle island with Killer-bee. Learned to get ninetails chakra and then headed out to the battlefield when she found out a war was going in. After befriending Kurama she was more powerful then before.

Ok there are alot of questions? First how did she survive, no one would have given her food for eight years and we don't even know her parents but seeing that her last name is the same as Minato's it would make sense to think that she is Minato's daughter which would mean he cheated on Kushina. If he didn't and she is the daughter of them like Naruto than she is Naruto's sister and is also committing incest. Not to mention you are making her OP as hell, she has half the nine tails and it was o my put in Naruto because Minato had to why are people splitting the nintails like it's a kitkat it can't be split. Also at 8 he invites her to live with him? And after that question they become best friends? That's too unrealistic even for anime. Now being uneven for the class and that's why she is on team 7 is good but why Team 7? There are so many other teams so there needs to be a clear reason as to why she is on Team 7. Nect you have train with Jiraiya and she someone learned 100 healings? That just screams OP, also how did she teach herself healing? That's like teaching yourself how to do surgery you can't. Than you make her even more powerful than before when she befriends Kurama why is she so strong it makes no sense.

She didn't get caught in the Infinite Tsukiyomi and helped defeat Kagura. Later she was a village hero because she helped beat pain to and learned sage mode. 2 years later she was sent on a mission with Naruto, Sakura, Skikamaru, Said, and Hinata. This mission took place on the moon. She was to save Hinabi. Later she met Tonari who told her he needed to marry her for her large amounts of chakra. She told him she would give him his answer in 2 days. 2 days later Naruto confessed his live for her. She declined and set off with Tonari so she could save the world. She was eventually put under a Jutsu by Tonari and Naruto saver her. After the mission. She told Naruto she loved him to and they shared a kiss.

No just no, everyone was pretty much in that genjutsu how was she not? The Kagura fight I can understand that's a team 7 moment but she goes to marry someone after 2 days when she liked Naruto forever? What sense does that make? Not to mention you had her fight pain and win? That is a Naruto fight something he had to do in order to save the village and bring people back, I even have my OC killed my Pein and you having her win. And having her learn sage mode at that, she is OP. Last but not least you break up the Hinata and Naruto ship with no reason. When you ship your OC with a canon character you need a explanation for how they got together especially if you break up a couple that affects the future of Naruto being Boruto. The last thing is incest it is clear that Naruto and her are related in some way, whether it's sister, half-sister or first cousin it's incest.

Personality: Loud, hyper, never giving up, and nice.

Basically Naruto

Power: Part 1: She is Sorta weak and can only really do shadow clone and some waterstyle grand tsunami jutsu.

How is she weak? She learned 200 dealings and taught herself healing and even learned from Jiraiya so how is she weak?

Part 2: Stronger and keeps getting stronger.

She is strong enough, I bet she can take down the sage of six paths in one hit and madara in a flick. She is OP.

Chakra Nature: All the Natures.

Why? Why does she have all the Natures? Why is she the avatar? I don't understand why she needs them all, she is OP.

Thank you for reading this your the best!!!

I'm sure you don't think that now but I'm trying to help.

Final Analysis- There are so many things that makes her OP. She is also a copy if Naruto with a different look and commits incest. She does she is somehow related to Naruto there is no question about it especially sense she has the Nine tails, if the last name doesn't give it away than the nine tails do. There are so many things that need to get fixed when it comes to this OC. She is basically in sue territory and it's gonna take a lot of work to fix her. First you need to answer the questions and we'll work from there. If you want any help at all more than this than feel free to PM me at any time. I know I sounded mean but she needs to be fixed before she is called out, that's the last thing I want to happen to her. I have you a brutal and honest review. Thank you for letting me review your OC, it was a honor.

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