OC 77 (Kaname Itsuki)

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This OC is by KakikomiSama I hope you like it.

[Kaname Itsuki was 2 years older than Uchiha Itachi’s generation, making Itachi 12 at Itsuki’s death]
[Kaname and Itsuki are both Japanese given names and surnames. At first, this character was named Kaname, but I had lots of trouble with the appearance and personality afterwards, so I decided to switch the names around]

Nice and this is very different, he's about Shisui's age. Nice.


[Surname][Given Name]
Kaname Itsuki
[English: Itsuki Kaname]


::Academy Student; 5-6 years old
::Genin; 6-7 years old
::Chunin; 7-10 years old
::ANBU; 10-14 years old
::Death; 14 years old

Oh dead at a young age. This is different and interesting. Great job.





Sexual Orientation:


Blood Type:


December 30th

Oh, so pretty much the end of the year.

Itsuki is quiet and reserved person, but isn’t against socializing with others. He is soft-spoken and gentle, not liking to hurt others, but isn’t against it since there are times that call for it. While he is reserved, Itsuki doesn’t mind talking to others and asking for advice, as long as they do not bother him when he wants to have his alone time. Because of his gentle and soft-spoken nature, many mistake Itsuki as a female, which Itsuki is annoyed at, but doesn’t quite mind it as he is open-minded to using his feminine appearance to his advantages. He also doesn’t hurt others unless necessary, which tends to get him in trouble and injured because of this. One of the major things people recognize him for is his avid day-dreaming.

This is great, his personality matches well with nothing contrasting. Not to mention this soft nature he has is pretty interesting.

Good Trait(s):
Itsuki is patient and intelligent, knowing that to gain knowledge, you must be patient. He is also very willing to lend advice and ask advice from others, and uses his feminine appearance to make male opponents underestimate him during missions. While reserved, he is also willing to socialize because he knows if he doesn’t socialize, it messes with one thoughts and mind.

This is really good and the fact that he uses his features to trick men is great.

Bad Trait(s):
Because of Itsuki gentle nature, he tends to get injured relatively easy as he hates hurting others without reason. He tends to stay quiet and only speaks when absolutely necessary to others or spoken to. Even though Itsuki doesn’t seem like it, he can become angered when provoked, mostly by being called ‘short’ or being teased by his feminine appearance. Though unlike others who blow up with anger, he is the type to be calm and yet very terrifying when angered. He also tends to overthink things, which when he should think simply and not overthink so much. When someone who is very precious to him is in danger, he tends to throw caution to the wind and become quite reckless, not thinking things through and becoming more injured. He is also a deep day-dreamer, becoming lost in thought most of the time.

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