OC 61(Hokori Beitsuhito)

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This OC is by StraightHairline3 I hope you like it.

Genre: The Genre is a mix between Action and Political views and the oc's views

Oh ok, this is gonna be interesting.

Name:Hokori Beitsuhito (Hokori means dust Beitsuhito means Batesian)


Post Boruto:12-32

Oh this Is nice and a good change.

Village: Sunagakure


Gender: Male


Appearance: Long Straight Light Blonde hair was dyed by the sand when he was young,his eyes are green,black headband on his forehead,open white haori over a mesh shirt,black hakama pants,ninja sandals

Nice, this a cool look.

Family: Kaze Beitsuhito (dad),Yuno Beitsuhito (mom)

Thanks for the role and life status

Clan: The Beitsuhito clan is known for faking their intimidating demeanour and are actually shy people on the inside, they also tend to have hair that is easily dyed.

This is nice, so they are pretty much fakers, that is a unique clan trait.

Kekkei Genkai:Kowareta masuku(broken mask) awakens when a user is angry or scared, it enhances the parasympathetic system in the body to enhance the users strength and intelligence for fighting or enhance speed and intelligence for running away.If too angry or scared they get a heart attack

This has a amazing flaw and a great strength.

Genin years: 13-15
Chunin years: 15-22
Jonin years: 23-28
Kage years: 28-32


Personality: Hokori is a sociopath, he does things as bad as kid Gaara so that he can understand emotions,like ridiculing people to the point of suicide.Besides that he is usually unaware of his surroundings or words.He realised that Suna is the weakest main village and makes a vow to change that through any means necessary. He's not one you should sympathize with.

He sounds really different from other OCs I have seen and his personality also makes him sound like a sadist. I think this is very unique because there really isn't a lot of characters like this in Naruto who are actually good.

Weapons:Puppets, Kunai, Shuriken


Puppets:his puppets are Kuro(croc) just a puppet crocodile that shoots out kunai from its mouth and Saikoro(dice) is a human size cube weaponized with flamethrowers, shuriken and others you'll have to read the story for the rest. He uses close range and armed combat and able to combine it with puppetry. He has small chakra reserves but makes up for it with good strategies.

These puppets are pretty unique being a crocodile which people never use and a human one that use flamethrowers which so far only Sasori has done.

Lightning Jutsu: Chakra Thread, Body Flicker,
Lightning Release: Thunderclap Arrow, Lightning Kunai Barrage (Kuro unleashes allot of kunai from its mouth that Hokori enhances with lightning chakra,Sand Clone Technique,Wind Bladesorry

Nice, does he use any of his affinities though? I just want to know.

Weaknesses: low chakra, fire release(his puppets are wodden and they are his main source of strength)

These are great weaknesses.

Final Analysis- I really have little to say if anything. This OC is good and doesn't  have a problem really. I really think this OC is solid for having such little information given, it still gave me enough to give a good review. This OC is great and doesn't have anything to work on. Thank you for letting me review your OC, it was a honor.

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