OC 45 (Amber Kasai)

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This OC is by AnimeGoddess2 I hope you like it.

Genre: Fanfiction


Name: Amber Kasai

Nice name

Age: Part 1 (13)
Part 2 (18)

Those ages don't add up to shippudden.

Gender: Female


Family: Sister (Aqua Mizu)

Cool but where is the rest of her family.

Appearance: short red hair put in two ponytails and red eyes.


Battle: The Kasai clan can only use fire style jutsu. Amber learned Taijutsu from Aquas now deceased mother.

Oh ok

Past: Amber has always wondered who her real mom is while knowing she has the same father as Aqua. However, their parents passed away before she could ask. Then one day, she and her sister were put into Naruto's world and discovered that they were born there and both their clans have disappeared.

Nice, but I don't have a lot of information to go off.

Personality: Sometimes aggressive, sometimes antisocial, and sometimes mean. If your friends with Aqua then you're on her good side.

What exactly is her good side? I don't see any traits of her being nice.

Likes: Anime, Manga, her sister.


Hates: Sakura and anyone who messes with her sister.

Why Sakura? I'm gonna ask this for every character but why her in general? Nothing in this points to Amber even hating Sakura, she doesn't even come up in the past, so why is she hated for no reason? There is no justified reason, now if you said Sakura ate Amber's mom than I can see hate but she did Absolutely nothing and isn't even talked about.

Other: Aqua tends to call Amber a Mary Sue because she has most of the qualities.

By qualities what do you mean? I don't understand what Amber can say to call her a mary sue?

Final Analysis- This OC has little to go off but what I can conclude is that she is a negative person with no good traits. Which is fine but most of the things in here either need more information or doesn't make sense. Like her hate for Sakura, Sakura didn't come up at all in this, not even in the past. So why would she hate her? Another thing is calling her sister a mary sue which we don't even have any information of in this. Other than that I can't really say much about this OC because there isn't much to her. Thank you for letting me review your OC, it was a honor.

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