OC Clan 13 (Akuma)

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Another one by Flammenstern I hope you like it.

About the Clan: The Akuma - Clan is another hidden clan. The members can move around faster in water and even breathe under water. They also have a good sense of tracking in the water. They have some similarities with the Ryu - Clan, which is why they don't like each other(because both of them think they're better than the other). With 17 a member of this clan can awaken the kekkei genkai, which allows them to turn into a giant sea dragon with horns. With this awakening the user unlocks the jutsu of their clan. If a member gets frustrated their eyes turn into blue cat-like eyes. This kekkei genkai can't be awakened earlier, which forces the members of the clan to train hard to defend themselves. But even this kekkei genkai has its flaws. Once its power is overused, the user looses their sense of tracking for one day and maybe even up to a week, causing them to be troubled to find a way out. The Akuma - Clan has been often hired if their allied village is attacked because of their easy use of the water that surrounds their allied force. But no one other than the mizukage ever saw or heard about the clan so they're practically forgotten. The Akuma - Clan members always have one element. This element is water and they can bend or use it to their wish, with a lot of focus and chakra, which causes them not to use it often. They also founded a village with the Inu - Clan and the Ryu - Clan.

So the pattern with these clans is animals or elements. This Clan is pretty similar but has it's way of sticking out.

People of the Clan: Leila Akuma (leader), Makoto Akuma (husband of the leader), Misaki (daughter of the leader)

Thanks for the relations and the roles of the people.

Special jutsus: Water style: Sea fire(it gives them the ability to spit water for up to ten minutes)
Hidden jutsu: Armour(the sea dragon skin grows on a wished part of the body and counters the attack)
Water style: Sea Monster(a huge two headed dragon out of water attacks the opponent)

These are perfect for this clan.

Allies: Kirigakure, Inu - Clan, Ryu -


Clan Headband: blue, two horns

Same as the Inu review

Typical looks: black hair, dark blue eyes


Final Analysis- This clan sticks out from the other two very well. It holds it's own for being memorable. The flaws and jutsus are also great for this clan. Thanks for letting me review your clan, it was a honor.

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