OC 40 (Sora Asami)

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This OC is by NishiSoyaaa I hope you like it.

Hi i've come to make another submit

Sure no problem.

Genre : Fanfiction (Stuck In Naruto)

Oh cool

Era: Naruto 12-13


Name: Sora Asami ( Sky beauty)

That's a beautiful name.

Gender: Female


Age: 12


Family: Reina Asami (Mother)
Tadashi Asami (Father) 
Sora has no siblings 

Nice and thanks for their roles.

Appearance: Sora has long silver hair, that reaches the middle of her back) in which she puts up in a high ponytail and blue eyes. She has light skin - (same as Naruto) is about 145.8 cm so she weighs around 35-36 kg. During her time in Naruto she would wear a short sleeveless beige qipao (similar to Sakura: Naruto the last where they were rescuing Hinata), with her right arm containing a black fishnet. She wears black shorts and bandages around her feet. Her hair is put in a tight ponytail with a blue forehead headband tied around her forehead with the leaf village symbol

Nice, this is great and thanks for the reference, it made it a lot easier to imagine her outfit.

Personality: Is very quiet, talk only when need be, she is only lively around her close friends who is Sayuri and Shiori. Mostly seen with a blank look on her face. After entering the Naruto World, her attitude changed due to the fun of going on adventures and taking risks to, this made her feel something she's never felt before so she became more loud and sneaky. She became more competitive but being competitive made her stubborn. 

Oh cool, and the fact that in the Naruto world she gets a chance to start over makes it even better. The reasons why she changed and the flaws in how she changed as well is great. Good job.

Flaws: Is very stubborn and is cautious around new people due to something that happened long ago. 

Nice, and I already love this section just because of it's title. Flaws, it just brings more to her because you show where she's not perfect.

History: When in the real world, Sora had two bestfriends that she knew since they were kids. (4 years old). They would have fun together and go out doing all that typical bestfriend stuff. Until it came around their last years in middle school. A new kid had come a boy. Shiori and Sayuri both grew to like him, after discovering that Sayuri liked the new boy, Shiori changed and became distant bullying them.She didn't like the fact that a small weak girl liked the popular boy. She wanted him to herself. So she broke her relationship with them, telling all their secrets to the school.

Dang that's rough and what kids and people do nowadays. So this could be very relatable to someone reading the story. This is amazing and it adds character to her as well, it puts her in this realistic set saying she was from the real world and brought her memories and modern day parts with her but soon changes. Great job.

Final Analysis- This OC has nothing wrong with it. Everything is great about this OC and I can't wait to read about it. It has the struggles of the real world, she saw the chance to be different in Naruto and took it. Everything is really good and it sums up the OC very nicely. Thank you for letting me review your OC, it was a honor.

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