OC 119 (Hotaru Senju)

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This OC is by EtoileCyber2 I hope you like it.

Name: Hotaru Senju (千手蛍, Senju Hotaru)

Nice name

12-13 (Part 1),
15-17 (Part 2),
19+ (series end)

Nice so the group's age.

Birth date: October 10th


Gender: Female


Family: Butsuma Senju (great great grandfather, deceased), Hashirama Senju (great grandfather, deceased), Mito Uzumaki (great grandmother, deceased), Tobirama Senju (great granduncle, deceased), Kawarama Senju (great granduncle, deceased), Itama Senju (great granduncle, deceased), Tsunade Senju (aunt, alive), Nawaki Senju (uncle, deceased), Daisuke Senju (father, alive), Natsuko Senju (mother, alive), Shikaku Nara (uncle, alive in part 1, deceased in late part 2), Yoshino Nara (aunt through marriage, alive), Shikamaru Nara (cousin, alive)

Thanks for the family relations and life status

Natures: Earth, Water, Yin


Kekkei Genkai: Mokuton


Tools: shuriken, kunai, ninja wire, flash bombs, smoke bombs, twin chakrams

So about the same as everyone else.

Weapon Description: Hotaru inherited the twin chakrams from her mother, Natsuko Senju (nee Nara), after her graduation from the ninja academy. The chakrams take on the appearance of two golden rings with a single blade fasten on the front. The handle is wrapped in red bandages and the blades themselves are made from chakra conductive metal. Both chakrams are 2'2" (66cm) in length.

Thanks this is a really good description.

Other: The only members of the Hanahaki clan, besides Suisen, live in the Land of the Tea, since in Konoha no one else has remaining blood connections to the clan.Though she has no problems in standing up to others when she's in a temper, Hotaru was still the type of person who would give others a second chance when they had proven themselves worthy of it. In instances such as those, she's shown to be most like her great grandfather who is capable of being forceful and serious when it comes to matters that are important to him, but still be able to forgive and forget.

This is good and adds volume to her character.

Physical Appearance: Hotaru is a fair skinned young girl with amber eyes and ash brown hair - she closely resembles her mother in her youth, as a result. In her childhood, Hotaru's hair was short, no longer than shoulder length and often tied back with a yellow bow to keep hair out of her face. In her early years at the academy, she consistently wore a sleeveless yellow dress with black trim and the Senju crest on the back. By the time of her graduation, Hotaru's hair had grown out much longer - reaching her waist - and no longer kept in a ponytail. Instead, it is styled into twin buns with the rest hanging down her back - like how her great grandmother used to style her hair. As a Genin, Hotaru wore a bright green wrap styled top with cold shoulder sleeves, black and yellow lining around the collar, and the Senju crest on the back. She kept the top bound with a red, floral print obi and white ties. With this, Hotaru wore black, form fitting pants, and black ankle length, open toe, ninja boots. As far back as her academy days, she always wore a necklace with a leaf shape charm and an engraved pendant; on one side the rudimentary version of the Nara clan's symbol, and the other, the Senju clan's vajra, hanging from a silver chain. They serve to never let her forget where she came from.

This is a great description and really shows how she looks. You have very impressive description skills.

Background: Hotaru is the great granddaughter of Hashirama Senju and Mito Uzumaki, born as the only child to Daisuke Senju and Natsuko Senju (neé Nara). Because Hashirama was the First Hokage of Konohagakure, Hotaru is called "Princess" (姫, Hime) a title she shares with her aunt Tsunade. She was born one month premature (October 10th) as a result of the Nine Tails attack on her home village. Having been born nineteen days apart from her cousin, Shikamaru Nara, she grew to have a close sibling like bond with him - even though a lot of his bad habits annoy her to no end. Due to being a descendant of the Nara clan, Hotaru got to know and befriend Ino and Chōji, children of Inoichi Yamanaka and Chōza Akimichi - the heads of the Yamanaka and Akimichi clans, respectively. Growing up as the great granddaughter of the First Hokage, the niece of one of the legendary Sannin, as well as the niece of the Leaf's chief strategist, Hotaru grew up with high expectations thrust upon her from an early age.

This is a good past

Personality: During her time in the academy and later as a kunoichi, Hotaru was very studious who took her ninja training seriously - a fact that can't be said for her cousin, or for many of the girls she shared classes with. Hotaru's studious nature and focus on her training were both insisted upon her by her mother, Natsuko. This and personality clashes with her fellow female classmates, resulted in Hotaru having few female friends. Hotaru's dream is to follow in the footsteps of her great grandfather, but more than anything, hopes to live up to the Senju name and make him proud. She adores her great grandfather and even has an old photo of him in her room, to which she pays respects before leaving to start her day. Like her great grandmother, Mito, Hotaru has a strong sense of duty to her village with a very calm and composed nature, similar to her great granduncle, Tobirama. She's not without a temper, however.

This is a good personality. It shows her flaws and strengths.

Final Analysis- This is a good OC and I would really recommend adding more to her. She has a great start but I believe she can be more. I don't really have much to say but in the end she is pretty good. I can see a lot going on in her future. Thank you so much so letting me review your OC, it was a honor.

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