OC Sprint (Miyuna)

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Hey is a OC from Judy_story and this is the first OC I am doing from her and I am honored that you and the new OC makers are choosing me to to your OC review. Now let's get straight into this OC.

Name: Miyuna Uzumaki

Cute name

Gender: Female


Birthday: December 18

Nice, I like getting the birthdates too.

Age: Boruto 9

Oh so She's a Boruto OC. I haven't seen that yet.

Hair color: Blonde (Like Naruto's)


Eye color: Blue


Appearence: She has Blonde spiky short hair to the length of her neck and Hair is a little wild looking. She has big blue eyes also like her fathers.

Nice, it's cool seeing a OC with short hair and is Naruto's daughter.

Skin color: Very light close to snow but a little darker (Back story to it)

Ok so a mixture of Hinata and Naruto's.

Family: Naruto Uzumaki (Dad) Hinata Hyuga (Mom) Boruto Uzumaki (Big brother) Minato Namikaze (Grandfather) Kishuna Uzumaki (Grandmother) ~(sorry I couldn't put Himawaari I thought it'd be too much)~

No no Himawaari would be completely fine to have in. In fact out of everyone on the list she should be the one in. Getting rid of Himawaari would result in tons of hate from people. Not to mention she is one of the Uzumaki family and has Hinata's traits. Is your OC older or younger than Himawaari?

Personality: Funny, competetive and likes to do what her brother says is right. A believer and when times comes for emotional moments she tries not to show it and hides it away or even try to forget. She can get furious sometimes if anyone reminds her of her past.

Nice personality but why does she get mad if someone reminds her of her past?

Battle: Normal weapons like the shuriken and kunai. Often liked to trick her opponent that she's about to give up but when gets close attacks. Uses shadow clone jutsu. When she gets mad sometimes chakara can go up to her hair and can make point parts for her to poke people with.

The only thing I have to say is when it comes to the shadow clone jutsu did Naruto teach it to her? This jutsu isn't one that gets passed down for Naruto had to steal a scroll to get it. So who taught her the jutsu? Also how does the hair poke people? Does her hair grow out like Jiraya's or is it something different.

Past: At the age of 8 there was a problem between the leaf village and the land of Mist. The land of mist decided to make war but Naruto wouldn't accept it and the mist decided to show up randomly and attack. Naruto knew this was coming and immediatly got people ready to fight. ordedred the weak mothers and children to hide in a sealed dungeon. Miyuna had a very close friend named Tanara and she was from the land of snow. Tanara went out to try to see how the village was while Miyuna tried to stop her. Tanara broke the seal and went out while Miyuna chased after her. Boruto tried to stop her but she was already out. Tanara fought out and was powerful for her age but was killed by a man with a mask. Boruto and Miyuna were already out and found Tanara laying in her death position but still looking up. The man with the mask went to hide and as Boruto and Miyuna went over to her.

I like how it is different but why didn't the masked man kill Boruto or Miyuna? Why did he leave them alive? If this is a grown man and killed a young girl than he wouldn't have any trouble killing these two as well. Another thing is if the seal was broken that means the enemy ninjas could have gotten in and killed the women and children. This puts not just Miyuna and Boruto in danger but also all the women and children. The last thing is how come no one noticed three children break out the seal? How come no other mothers stopped them?

Miyuna and Boruto went over to listen to her last words while Tanara spat out blood while talking with a sword stuck across her chest. As Tanara closed her eyes for the last time it started snowing and Miyuna just sat there crying with the war still going. Boruto tried to confront her but she just hel Tanara's hand and cried and after a while she felt anger rushing through her and was boiling with rage. She dropped Tanara's arm and got up to look for the killer and soon unleashed the byakugan which came from Hinata she finally found the killer and grabbed the sword out then used all her might and killed her. After everything went wild the Land of the mist retreated and the war was over. It snowed the whole day and it was the middle of June. and that's the past story.

If Miyuna is 8 and the killer is a ninja how did she die with a single stab? Another thing is how did a 8 year old kill a fully grown ninja? Why didn't any other ninjas come? How were they not spotted in this war? How come no one took them back to the seal? If they were just standing there then how did no notice them? However, the death of her friend did make a good way for her to unlock the byakugan.

Final Analysis- This OC is pretty good. However there are tons of questions that need answers. They are the questions about her past. I also recommend if you do make a story for her that Himawaari is in it or people will get angry. If anyone from a series is taken out for a OC then everyone goes ballistic no matter who it is. I am just saying this so you could avoid hate from others and negative comments. The only thing that needs looking at is the past for there are more questions but I couldn't type them. Other than that this OC is really good. It was a honor to review them and thank you.

Naruto OC reviewsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora