OC 38 (Melanie Quinn/Yuki Saito)

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This OC is by Enjel_Hayashi I hope you like it.

series- naruto

Of course, if this was a different anime than I would have been in the wrong.

name- melanie quinn/yuki saito

Two names? I wonder what's going on to have that.

•melanie meaning black or dark


•yuki meaning happiness the names represent how yuki went from her painful and dark life as melanie, to slowly and gradually getting happier, as she left melanie behind and became yuki.

Ok, but how did she acquire these names? Obviously you only have one birth name so which is her actual name and how did she get the other name? Or better yet who gave it to her?

part one: 12-13
part two: 15-17
the last: 18-20
boruto: 30-34

Nice, so she is the same age as the naruto crew. Cool

gender- female


family- yui saito (mother-deceased) asahi saito (father-deceased) sayaka saito (sister-unknown) violet quinn (adoptive mother-deceased) will quinn (adoptive father-deceased) i'll explain why they're (almost) all dead later.

Ok, and this also kinda explains why she got two names. The only thing left to determine would be the age when it all happened which would be in the history.

part one: short boyish light brown hair, a boy-like face, darkish brown eyes, and peach colored skin. she wears a grey crop-top t-shirt with bandages wrapped around her stomach to hide her scars, short blue shorts, and black ninja sandals. she is very skinny, due to her bad eating habits, (as in, she doesn't really eat) and she is usually mistaken for a boy. she wears her headband around her forehead, letting her bangs cover it slightly.

Nice, and I can imagine how she looks. She also has a unique look to her, actually looking like a boy from head to toe, even the face, making it so she is really thought to be a boy. Is cool and different.

part two: her hair is longer, about shoulder length, still the same brown. she looks a little more mature, but still boyish, although you can see her girl features more now. she now wears a mesh crop-top shirt, not bothering to hide her scars as she has gotten more confident, and has grown out of her past, and over the shirt she wears her chunin vest, because she became a chunin. she still wears blue short shorts and black ninja sandals like she did in part one, and the headband is still on her forehead. she is much less skinny now, and looks a much more healthy size. she eats normally now, as she managed, with lots of hard work and struggling and throwing up, to get out of her bad, and dangerous, eating habits. isn't mistaken for a boy anymore, and is happy that she can finally be herself.

Nice and it looks like she went through a healthy transformation. This is great and the fact she still looks slightly the same and shows healthy signs shows her growth. She has grown greatly.

personality- yuki acts happy and cheery on the outside, but it's just an act to cover up her real feelings of pain and guilt. (will be explained later) when she's talking with her team, she likes to joke around and compete with them, to distract herself from the pain. she believes that if she acts happy, and tells herself that she's happy, and perfectly okay, she'll start to feel happy too. she can be a little bit shy at times, but she usually isn't. she has random mood swings occasionally, and even she doesn't know why they happen, they just do.

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