OC rapid fire Part 3 (Konomi)

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Again we have rapid fire. Like I said I am having fun though it is very time consuming. I hope my advice and review are making you all happy. I know I am though I probably should start icing my fingers soon. Anyway here is the next OC. This one is by 2WEIRDafGIRLS I forgot to do their OC for so long and I feel completely awful for doing that to them. I hope you two can forgive me. I hope you like this OC review.

Name: Konomi Namae(we got super lazy)

It is just fine. Again I am sorry I forgot.

Part 1. 12
Part 2 . 15
The last. 18
Boruto. 29

Ooo nice a Naruto OC which is the rookie 9 age I always love reading these ones.

Gender: Female


Sexuality: She's straight as a pencil! (But some pencils bend 😂😂)

Cute joke I say the same about rulers.

Taida Namae, Mother.
Kyoya Namae, Father
Dansei Namae, Grandfather (also guardian)
Yuki Namae, Grandmother 

Oh nice. It's unusual to see the grandparents. Nice to see one.

Appearance: she is usually found having her curly brown hair up in a high ponytail. (Though at times it can be found in a braid) she has green eyes and very dark skin. She has a blue shirt and black shorts in part one but in part two and the last she is wearing black shorts and a blue tank top crop top. Her hair is always in a braid and it is longer. 

She seems like she would look very pretty and the different types she does with her hair is unique as well. I am also loving the diversity. I don't really see any in Naruto OCs they are usually pale as paper or something so it's great seeing different skin tones.

Personality: In part one she is very kind and gentle she hated violence and never really fought unless she needed too. In part two and The Last,she had become flirtatious and has some sarcasm. She had become more used to violence and had already killed people.

Perfect and it sums up some people's lives as a ninja. Like Sasuke for example. He sweet as kid and then when the massacre happened he changed and really started killing. I see this for this OC as well. A good job.

Battle: She is always using Taijutsu since she is physically unable to use genjustu or ninjustsu since she has a rare medical condition that makes her chakra very low at all times. 

Nice, a rock Lee sort of way. A ninja who can only do taijutsu so she becomes in it. Not to mention it's a condition and not a choice so even if she good at the hand signs it wouldn't matter and makes life as a ninja more complicated. Good job.

I needed to do this OC sooner or later and I finally did it. I am happy that I did and again is so sorry that I forgot. I hope both of you can forgive me. Now for the final analysis.

Final Analysis- Being a ninja for her is going to be complicated due to only having taijutsu. It also adds to her flaws. Another thing that adds more to her is her change of behavior like Sasuke. The way he went from nice as a 6 year changed just like hers. She took on the persona of a female villain. I think you did great with her. Amazing job and again sorry for forgetting.

Well here is another OC for the picking. I hope you all like her and be ready cause you still have 2 more OCs to read.

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