OC fire wall (Junko Yuki)

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Here is another OC by iCoven who is a new reviewer. I hope you like this review and let's get started.

Genre: Fanfiction

Ok, I would love to read it when you make it.

Name: Junko (Jōōn-ko )Yuki

Nice name. I use the same name for one of my OCs.

Gender: Female


Age: Part 1: 12-13

Part 2: 16-17

The last: 19

Gaiden: 32+

This is for all the ages. Nice. It's good to see a OC Naruto's age too.

Family: Kouri Yuki (little brother), Akio Yuki(Father, deceased), Umi Yuki (Mother, deceased) Nori Yuki (grandmother) Ryuu Yuki (grandfather)

Thanks for the status and their positions in the family.

Highest Rank: Gennin 

Exams Taken: Gennin, Chunnin

Exams Failed: Chunnin (Preliminary) 

Oh ok, so she is only a gennin. That's interesting. Your OC is different and it's good in a unique way.

Height: 4'11 (stunted growth from medication)

Ok, for the medication that is also unique and it's also good that it affects her on the outside and not just the inside. It makes her more realistic.

Weight: 120


Skin tone: Tan-ish

Nice, it's good to see diversity in OCs.

Hair Color: Black

A great and common color.

Hair Length: used to reach her mid-back area when she was younger but she cut into a pixie cut after it was rumored that Sasuke Uchiha liked girls with long hair. She grew it out a little more when she got a little older.

Ok, was it that she didn't like Sasuke and that's why she cut it when she heard the rumor? The reason is good and different but what made her want to actually cut it because of Sasuke? Still great.

Hair Style: Part1: bob


Accessories: small hooped earrings

Nice, and before anyone say they are too modern. Shikamaru wears small hoop earrings in part one.

Eye Color: Dark Brown

A nice common color.

Headband Location: around her neck


Other: mole underneath her left eye

Cool, I have yet to see moles and other things on a OC.

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