OC Sprint 20 (Uchiha Kawaguchi)

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This OC is by _ZXEWI_, and I hope you like it.

Name: Uchiha Kawaguchi (Uchiha being Clan name, Kawaguchi meaning "mouth of the river" if I'm correct)

Nice name and great meaning.

Age: (At death) 16

Oh so this is a OC that dies. Cool, only 1 in 10 do.

Gender: Male



5"6 (Quite short).

Ummm not really, 5'6 is actually quite tall for girls and average height for males. Anything really under 5'0 is short and up to 5'5 is pretty average for girls and boys. 5'6 to 6'0 is tall for girls and some guys consider this average height. 6'0 to anything above is tall for guys really. So he isn't all that short unless your comparing him to you and your like 7'0 than yeah he would be short to you but definitely not me.

He looks more like Obito than he does Shisui, even thought Shisui is his identical twin. He wears the jounin outfit without the flak jacket in grey with a dirty white apron on top, and his hair tends to fall in his face. HE DOES NOT HAVE THE SHARINGAN DESPITE BEING AN UCHIHA. He wears normal shinobi sandals despite not being a shinobi.

Oh ok, that's pretty weird considering they are identical but look nothing alike, wouldn't that be fraternal twins than sense they don't look alike but they are twins?

Personality: He's the mother-bird kind of type. When he was in the academy, he was the broody emo, but now that he quit the shinobi forces he doesn't have to act all stuck up. He fusses over his twin often, worrying about the littlest cut or scratch that is always inevitable after missions. He likes annoying others with his personality, too. I haven't gone into much thought about it, sorry.

It's fine and this is perfect considering he's not a ninja anymore. Never doubt your OC. He is looking pretty good.

Battle: Currently N/A since he isn't a shinobi, but when he was a chuunin he mostly relied on Taijutsu, Genjutsu, and Ninjutsu. His kenjutsu was limited to that of a kunai, but with this kunai he could do many confusing tricks to make his enemies... Confused.

Ok, I can see why he doesn't have much for battle because he is a civilian but thanks for explaining his battle style for when he was a shinobi.

Past: He, like my first OC, doesn't have a sob backstory or anything. He was quite the prodigious child, graduating from the academy at eight and making chuunin at ten. After a severe arm injury on an escort mission, he was retired from the forces and became more of a housewife type of person than a stay-at-home kind of guy. He died at sixteen, massacred with the rest of the Uchiha.

Oh ok, and I like how he was killed in the Uchiha massacre like the other Uchihas. Also great job not giving him a sob story.

Relationship with Characters: None, but he did have a childish crush on Rin when she was still alive.

Oh ok, that's cute.

Other: His left forearm is mangled from a fire jutsu and he didn't particularly like Kakashi. There was another thing too, but I forgot.

It's ok, I usually forget see a thing or two about my OCs which is why I type and write them out so I can always read them.

Final Analysis- This OC has literally nothing to work on. It's perfect. He is literally one of the best Uchiha OCs I have ever reviewed and one of the reasons is that he actually died with the rest of them instead of making up some crazy excuse to how he is alive like; Itachi didn't see him, Itachi kept him alive for Sasuke, or even the they were gone on a mission and came back 1 second after Itachi was out of sight. Some people have good OC stories for that but I love this one in particular because he actually do die like the rest of the characters. You did a great job with him. It was a honor to review him. Thank you for choosing me to review him.

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