OC Clan 12 (Ryu)

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This is also by Flammenstern I hope you like it.

About the Clan: The Ryu - Clan is a hidden clan and, especially in this clan, its members should not be underestimated. Its members have better hearing senses and quick reactions. At the age of 15 or 16(it's always different) a member can awaken the kekkei genkai of this clan, which makes them transform into a huge japanese-like dragon. Through the awakening of the kekkei genkai, the user can also unlock the clans jutsus with hard training. If a user gets angry or frustrated their eyes can turn into green cat-like eyes. This kekkei genkai can be activated earlier, if something horrifying(for example a clans murder) happened and people the user loved are involved. But the use of this kekkei genkai brings its flaws. If it is used for too long, the user will be damaged inside of their body, because it's not their original form. The length of the use is trainable but it takes a lot of effort and suffering. If the jutsus are used too long their eyes will start to bleed and their vision gets blurry(which could stay like that for about a day or longer, depending on how much the user went over their limit) The Ryu - Clan has also been often hired for wars because of their crazy kekkei genkai, which many people saw as extremely strong(since they didn't know the drawbacks). But since the war is over for now and the villagers of their allied village feared them, they haven't been hired anymore and the Kazekage only uses them for emergencies. There are two elements that every Ryu - Clan member has and those are the wind and fire elements, which they can bend and use to their wish(much like the Inu - Clan). Bending those elements takes a lot of chakra and focus, which is why they don't use it often, but the fire element is easier for them to use. The Ryu - Clan founded a village with the Inu - Clan and Akuma - Clan, even though the Akumas and Ryus don't get along.

The Ryus sound a bit copy and paste from the Inu. The only difference is the fact they turn init a dragon and have flaws in their transformation.

People of the Clan: Naoko Ryu (leader), Naomi Ryu (wife of the leader), Kai Ryu (oldest son of the leader), Akina (daughter of the leader), Rin Ryu (youngest son of the leader)

Nice and thanks for the relations and roles.

Special jutsus:
Fire style: Dragon Breath(the user can spit fire without it having a specific form, if it has once been activated it lasts for around 10 minutes)
Fire style: Flame Capture(flame vines appear around the opponent stopping them from moving, because they would touch the flames if they did)
Hidden jutsu: Dragon Skin(on a wished part of the body grows dragon skin, where no hit of a weapon or elemental style jutsu can come through, tailed beast bombs for example would do damage)
Hidden jutsu: Companions(small dragons, that can be controled with focus, break through the skin of the users arm, the amount of dragons is decided by the user)

They are all really good.

Allies: Sunagakure, Inu - Clan, Akuma -

Nice and before someone says something, you can be allies but not like a person. It's like working on a project with your worst enemy. You don't like them but you're working together.

Clan Headband: red, sign is a flame

Same thing from the Inu review.

Typical looks: dark red hair(sometimes light red), light green or blue eyes


Final Analysis- This clan is alright, however it is a bit to similar to the Inu clan but at least they have flaws in their transformation. This is still good. Thanks for letting me review your clan. It was a honor.

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