OC Clan 3 (Suishou)

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Hey guys today we are reviewing another type of clan, I believe this one is very different from the others. Without further ado this is by SadiaRiaz4 and I hope you like it.

Genre: An AU where the Academy curriculum is more practical and Sakura fails the Genin Exam.

Ok, it's not that I have a problem with it but why practically Sakura has to fail? Or what caused her to fail? Even if it is academic it is stated that she is one of smartest characters in Naruto.

Clan Name: Suishou

That's a unique name.

Name Meaning: Crystal


Clan Head:
- Naruto: Suishou Byakuran (Crystal white orchid)
- Boruto: Suishou Hakuchou (Crystal swan)

Wait I'm confused how is Naruto the clan head? Also in the genre it only stated something about Sakura so where does Naruto and Boruto even come up?

Common Traits:

- Appearance: In terms of appearance, the Suishou clan members mostly have white hair, sometimes having a tint of blue or silver, blue or orange eyes and a fair skin tone. They tend to wear white, traditional when not on duty.

That's cool but are there ways that becomes blue or orange eyes? Is it some way that the eyes are possible sense there are two possibilities? Are there requirements that need to be met in order to have one of the colors in vice versa? Same with the tint. These are just questions that need answers.

- Personalities: The clan is known as one of the most peaceful clans in Konoha. The most common personality traits of the clan include hard working, willingness to work peacefully with everyone, willingness to put aside their differences for the greater good and the tendency to behave like royalty (which can sometimes tick others off). It is noted that the members undergo a sudden change when angered or feeling threatened and become more war-like, ready to rip others to pieces.

Ok but what made them so angered. It's like a passive thing. If your a warm hearted person than you wouldn't get angered or angry often. For instance I'll use Sakura and Hinata. Hinata wouldn't be seen getting all angry or having a hot temper because she's shy while Sakura on the other hand does have a hot temper which can easily be seen which shows that she can get angry. Another thing is that a person like Hinata would need a lot to get angry, the reason why I am using Hinata is because Hinata is like how the clan is while Sakura is like how they are when they are angry which wouldn't make sense. Plus what could tick them off in the first place to want to rip someone's head off? Those are two characteristics that don't clash together.

Clan Politics: The clan is fairly neutral to everyone in the council, thinking only of the good of the clan and village. They do not side with anyone and make logical decisions on the bases of the facts and figures. They tend to stay away from politics when it doesn't concern the clan or the village as a whole. Inside politics of the clan consist of two families, the Royal family and the Branch family. However, everyone's still family and the labels aren't used much, only to honor the old family tradition.

This is good but what's the point of having the branches if in the end they aren't used and everyone is equal? Even if it is tradition wouldn't that just be breaking it because they are all considered equal? It's like the Hyuga clan with the side and main branch, if they treated each other as equals than Neji wouldn't have the seal on his forehead and there wouldn't be a reason to have branches. I believe you used the Hyuga clan as a reference which is cool and good but if they aren't much a difference than it shouldn't be a branch class, especially if in the end they are all just equal.

Heirs/Heiresses: Unlike many clans, the clan heirs/heiresses are not chosen on the basis of the family. Rather, they are chosen according to specific abilities. This is done to avoid internal conflict since the clan believes that internal peace in essential to combat external conflict.

That's great and it has the right idea. The reason behind it is also great.

Summoning Pact: Swans

That's cool but why specifically a swan? Was there a reason or background to it?

Abilities: The clan's only known ability is to be able to bend a special type of water (found only in their compound lake) without using jutsus, which is mostly used to heal. They cover the wound with the water, apply chakra (making it glow) and after a few minutes the wound is healed. However, this requires a lot of chakra (a normal cut requires the same as an academy clone jutsu) and even more chakra control to keep the water in place. It also causes fatigue and the user may even faint due to exhaustion in case of large wounds.

All I have to say is one thing....beautiful. It's not OP, it's not far fetched, and to make it even more unique it's served as a healing purpose. This is amazing and the draw back is great though it's quite the big impact. I only have one question, what makes the compound water different from other water sense most water in rivers and streams usually comes back to the same place?

Taijutsu Style: The clan has varied taijutsu styles. Some of the main ones are:

- Hakuchou no hane (Swan Wings)
- Tobu Hakuchou (Flying Swan)
- Tenshi no Hakuchou (Angel Swan)

These sound very interesting. Cool

Main Elements: Most of the clan members have an affinity for wind and water.

That's really cool. I also like how you gave them 2 though you could have given them three.

Clan Jutsus: The clan mostly uses jutsus developed by them, some of which are:

- Wind Clones: Clones made purely from wind. When dispelled, a huge gust of wind (sharp enough to create cuts) is sent to the attacker.

That's a very interesting and unique move.

- Wind Release: Dual Typhoon: An attack which creates two huge tornados around the enemy, which merge into one while trapping the enemy inside.

Another great move, it also sounds highly effective and great for trapping purposes.

History: The origins of the clan are unknown, but they are thought to be distant descendants of the Uzumaki clan and, by relation, the Senju. It is also said that, before the destruction of Uzu, they lived there with the Uzumaki.

Oh so that examples why Naruto and Boruto are kinda included. So if the Uzumaki still exists, than how is Naruto the clan head?

Final Analysis- This Clan is really amazing and has great potential though a lot of holes are unfilled and many questions erupted when I read and analyzed this. One is how does Sakura fit into this? In the genre it says that Sakura fails the exam but it really has no reason or purpose to be there. Also like I said if it is for academic purposes she is really smart so if she failed than more than 3/4 of the others failed as well. Maybe Shikamaru, Neji, Sasuke, and Shino passed if Sakura failed. If this is for a fanfiction than I wish you luck with it. Now for the questions of how is Naruto and Boruto clan head. If the Uzumaki clan exists than Naruto and Boruto belongs there and assuming that Naruto passed the exam he would be the same so how is he clan head? It really needs a explanation. Another thing is the personality of the clan, now I get that as a clan they can all think a certain way but you also have to remember that people have their own personalities. Itachi and Sasuke are very different just like Neji and Hinata but in the end the Uchiha clan has pride which they all share. Even if you did still use the personality the fact that it changes from a Hinata to a Sakura is not good. Try to use a scale Hinata being the less temper while Sakura is the most, your personality for the clan went from Hinata to a Sakura in mere seconds. Other than that there really isn't anything bad. A lot was really good but there are many questions that need answers. This Clan is great and like I said has great potential and you are a great OC writer so I know that there is only room to improve. Thank you so much for letting me review your OC. It was a honor and i hope you don't take any of this personally. I just want to help make the Clan the best it can be. I wish you best of the luck and I hope to see this Clan in a Naruto story.

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