An OC from the same person

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Hey guys I am sorry I have been out. I had the week off and my orchestra director chose that week to put the most performances. I had to learn new songs and everything. Now I am back and ready to write these reviews again. Now this OC is from the very first person to ask me to review their OC. I am honored that they chose me again. This OC also is in their own book called ''the star of Konoha''. It's by dancegirl222 you should check out the story. Anyway here is the review.

Genre: I though since you liked my other OC a lot, I figured you might like to see one of my other ones that I created for my fanfiction, "The Star of Konoha"

I did love your OC and thanks to that OC this book has gotten popular. I thank you for starting this book.

Name: Iwao Fujimoto ( stone man under the wisteria)

Nice, i'm guessing he is going to have some stone jutsus as well right? Well let's see.

Age: 23/26

I believe this is part 1 and Part 2 age. If I am wrong please correct me.

Gender: male

Nice, another male OC. I am happy to see many of them.

Family: Ayaka Fujimoto (mother) Hachi Fujimoto (younger sister) Kyo(father) Kin Fujimoto (older brother)

Great, I assume that they all alive. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Appearance: (Part1):spiky dark green hair that never lies down even if he gels it and dark brown eyes wears his hitai-ate on his thigh, wears a plain brown shirt and black pants with black ninja sandals. Tends to look annoyed, even when he's not.

This is a good and simple style. It's easy to imagine and I can even imagine his face expression. Also nice hair color. I have the same hair color for my male OC as well.

Part2: same dark green hair but wears a light grey short sleeve shirt with a dark grey long sleeve shirt and black pants and shoes

Still sweet and simple. Which is great, you are one of the only people that doesn't make the appearance crazy.

Personality: stoic and cold, quite determined but easily annoyed, secretly a really kind-hearted guy who isn't in touch with his emotions, rough around the edges, cares about his family and team a lot.

So what I can see is that he is troubled with his emotions. He secretly cares but doesn't show it. That is sweet. What made him so rough though? What makes him act cold and stoic? Is it to make him look cool and badass or is it another reason?

Battle: close range, pretty good with taijutsu although he isn't as good at it as Kirei( his teammate), works better with ninjutsu, slightly better at genjutsu than Kirei but worse than Cho Tora (other teammate)

This is great that he isn't the best on his team and that his teammates are better than him at other things. He seems like a well balanced OC with tons of potential.

Weapons: kunais and shurikens

Nice and basic weapons.

Past: Iwao is apart of the Fujimoto clan, known for their prowess in earth jutsus and intelligence in poisons and is the middle son of Ayaka and Kyo Fujimoto. He often felt pushed aside due to his brother doing really well as a poison expert and his little sister starting in the Academy. He often pushed his feelings aside and tried to be happy for his brother and sister but always found himself lashing out in anger towards the both of them. He often trains himself to the point of exhaustion so he can believe he achieved something worthwhile but that feeling of not being good enough always comes back. After he meets Kirei and Cho while being on Squad 5, he softens somewhat and tries to be a better brother but he still feels bad about what he feels and he and Kirei create a bond together along with Rin, his Academy crush. When Rin died, he was crushed because he had a huge crush on her, but he knew that she like Obito but nevertheless admired from afar. He becomes even harder than he was before and eventually becomes emotionless. After Kirei goes off and starts chasing after Kakashi, all Iwao has left to turn to is Cho, and she helped him and gave him advice. Soon Iwao started having feelings for Cho but he isn't sure he should tell her because he doesn't want to embarrass himself. But Cho knows and is just waiting for him to make a move.

This is a real heart felt past. The best part about it is that he reflects his past and it's shown in the present with his emotions. The way he is jealous of his siblings and is pushed aside makes sense to why he is cold and stoic. This a amazing past.

Relationship: Cho Tora (already mentioned in the history)


Other: Iwao has earth chakra and draws really well. He also has a mole summon that helps him perform a jutsu that allows him to tunnel underground and attack from below. 

This is very unique. The use of a animal like a mole is unique itself but using a mole's nature as well with digging and tunnels adds a all new perspective. A great summoning and jutsu at it's finest.

Jutsus: body flicker jutsu, all Academy jutsus, summoning jutsu, earth wall,could of earth,bullet rock,containment cell,binding chains,dust spray,earth armor,crushing spikes, fist rock

I love how all these jutsus are all in the Earth element category instead of being everywhere. This also shows that you don't just jump around and give your character every little jutsu in the book.

Well that was it for this OC. I have another OC that I will be doing later on today. It was sent to me during the week and I never got to it because of all the performances, but now I can. But before that, let's do the final analysis on this OC.

Final Analysis- What can I say except that this OC is nice, simple and could actually pass for actual Naruto character. This OC is one of the most realistic Naruto OCs that I have had the pleasure of reviewing. There isn't really much you have to fix at all. However I do encourage you to add things. It is up to you because this OC is great and you have the chance to make it even better. Keep up the awesome work.

I hope you all liked this OC review and remember, if you like the OC then remember to read their story. It has been a honor to review this OC and I hope your book goes well dancergirl. Till then I'll you guys a little later for the next OC that I'll also be putting up today. Peace

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